首页 » matlab » fourier频率中心化


于 2020-08-23 发布 文件大小:84KB
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  对图形进行二维傅里叶变化后的频谱进行中心化(Centralization of the spectrum after two-dimensional Fourier transform)


fourier频率中心化, 0 , 2019-05-27
fourier频率中心化\SpectrumCentralization.m, 405 , 2019-05-27
fourier频率中心化\频谱中心化.png, 170301 , 2019-05-27



0 个回复

  • CSR_IR
    这是基于稀疏表示的图像重建,用来做图像去模糊或超分辨,绝对可以用(Sparse Representation for Image Restoration)
    2012-10-16 13:33:53下载
  • colorhist
    统计颜色直方图的matlab程序,解压缩后可以直接在MATLAB环境中运行(Color histogram statistics of the matlab program, unzip it directly in the MATLAB environment)
    2008-05-13 23:05:29下载
  • 8-(1)
    图像修复是对图像中破损区域进行信息填充,以减少图像破损所带来的信息损失的过程。 传统的图像修复方法需要依赖图像的具体结构来制定相应的修复方法,压缩感知理论的提出,使得可以利 用信号的稀疏性来对图像进行修复。基于K 奇异值分解(KSVD)与形态学成分分析(MCA,Morphological Component Analysis)的图像修复方法首先采用形态学成分分析方法对破损图像进行特征分析,将其分解 为结构部分和纹理部分;然后基于学习型字典KSVD分别对这两部分进行过完备字典训练;最后利用训练得 到的字典实现对破损图像的修复。相比于传统的图像修复方法,该方法具有适应性强、修复效果好等优点(Image inpainting is to fill the missing data in corrupted images and thus to reduce the information loss of damaged image. Traditional inpainting algorithms are dependent on specific structure of target images compressive sensing theory makes is possible to realized image inpainting with signal sparsity. This paper proposes a novel inpainting algorithm based on KSVD and MCA algorithm, which first decomposes the image into texture part and structure part, and then trains the two dictionaries for these two parts with KSVD and reconstructs the original image with these two trained dictionaries. Experiment indicates that the proposed algorithm is of better adaptability and performance as compared with traditional algorithms.)
    2020-07-31 15:08:38下载
  • cameraCali
    张正友标定法,标定图像,将图像进行校正,是当今用的最多的方式方法(This method is so good, I have transferred through this. And it is very useful for the IT workers. This is my first code. Thank you every one.)
    2015-05-03 23:45:36下载
  • 小波边缘检测
    数学地角度来看,信号与图像处理可以统一看作是信号处理(图像可以看作是二维信号),在小波分析地许多分析的许多应用中,都可以归结为信号处理问题。对于其性质随时间是稳定不变的信号,处理的理想工具仍然是傅立叶分析。但是在实际应用中的绝大多数信号是非稳定的,而特别适用于非稳定信号的工具就是小波分析。(Mathematically, signal and image processing can be regarded as signal processing (image can be regarded as two-dimensional signal). In many applications of wavelet analysis, they can be reduced to signal processing. For signals whose properties are stable over time, the ideal tool for processing is still Fourier analysis. However, most of the signals in practical applications are unstable, and the tool especially suitable for unstable signals is wavelet analysis.)
    2020-06-18 02:20:01下载
  • mpiv_toolbox
    说明:  用于粒子图像测速技术的图像处理,分析得到流场信息(Image Processing for Particle Image Velocimetry and Flow Field Information Analysis)
    2020-12-18 15:59:11下载
  • skincolor-segment
    很好用的肤色分割模型,在YCBCR颜色空间内分割,经过开运算和闭运算,取得很好的结果(Good use of color segmentation model, YCBCR color space segmentation, after opening operation and closing operation, and achieved good results)
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  • KPCA
    为解决PCA不适合多指标综合分析中非线性主成分分析的问题 ,采用核主成分分析 (kpca)方法 ,对我国不同地区 16种腐乳的品质进行了综合评价。 (PCA is not suitable to address the many indicators of a comprehensive analysis of non-linear principal component analysis of the problem, using Kernel Principal Component Analysis (kpca) method, 16 kinds of different regions of our country the quality of fermented bean curd had a comprehensive evaluation.)
    2009-03-25 17:03:57下载
  • IFC读写代码
    IFC文件格式读取和写出源码,目前该源码是1.0版本(IFC file format reads and writes the source code, which is currently version 1.0)
    2020-09-16 14:17:55下载
  • demo
    说明:  一维高斯粗糙面、三维高斯粗糙面的建模,基尔霍夫近似法求散射系数(Modeling of one-dimensional Gaussian rough surface and three-dimensional Gaussian rough surface, and Kirchhoff approximation method to calculate scattering coefficient)
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