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于 2019-05-23 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  可以获取连通域的最小外接矩形,然后做些其他处理(You can get the minimum external rectangle of a connected domain,and you can do something else.)



0 个回复

  • example
    使用C++和CUDA编写的双边滤波器。在平滑图像的同时可以保持边界(Using bilateral filter the C++ and CUDA written. Boundary can be kept in the smooth image while)
    2013-01-09 19:06:43下载
  • beyond_12041126
    论文+ppt,我的数字图像处理课程设计,题目是基于均值滤波和小波分析的图像去噪方法(Thesis+ppt, digital image processing course design, subject image denoising method based on mean filter and wavelet analysis)
    2012-11-27 16:34:09下载
  • blinddeconv
    基于matlab开发的因离焦产生的图像模糊处理,利用盲卷积处理方法,取得很好的效果(blind deconvolation)
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  • CloudViewer-master
    CloudViewer (点云可视化软件)是一款面向三维点云数据处理、点云开发专业人员及爱好者的三维点云可视化软件,该软件具备以下功能: 点云 IO。常见点云格式文件(如 ply, pcd 和 obj)的读取、保存、删除清空及可视化。 点云的基本操作。设置点云颜色,合并多个点云,点云格式转换等。 可视化的基本操作。设置视图窗口背景颜色,设置点云的可视化尺寸,设置坐标系的显示,设置视图方位(Main view, Left view, Top view),网格面片显示,网格线框显示等。 模型生成。生成简单立方排布的点云以及基本三维模型,该功能主要用于测试。(CloudViewer uFF08 u70B9 u4E9 u53E u53E3 u5316 u8F6 u4EF0 u0EF6 uFF09 u662F u4E00 u6B3E u972 U4E91 u53E1 u53E1 u3EF3 u7EF3 u7EF3 u3EF0 U5177 u5907 u4E0 u4E0B u529F u80FD uFF1A u70B9 u4E91 i u3002 u5E3 u8C1 u70B9 u4E91 u683C u5F0F u6587 u4EF6 uFF08 u5982 ply, pcd u548C obj uFF09 u7684 U8BFB u53D6 u3001 u4FDD u5B58 u3001 u5220 u9664 u6E05 u7A7A u53CA u53EF u89C6 u5316 u3002 u70B9 u4E9 u7E9 u7684 u57FA u672C u64CD u4F5C u3002 u8BBE u7F6E U70B9 u989 u989.0 u8279 u03109 u03H2 U672C u64CD u4F5C u3002 u8BBE u7F6E u89C6 u56FE u7A97 u53E3 u803 u803 UFF0C u8BBE u7F6E u5750 u6807 u7CFB u7684 u663E u793A uFF0C u8BBE u7F6E u89C6 u56FE u 65B9 u4F4D uFF08Main view, Left view, Top view uFF09 uFF0C u7F51 u683C u973 u7327 u733A u739A u7R3 U751F u6210 u3002 u751F u6210 u7B80 u5355 u7ACB u659B u6392 u5E03 u7E09 U80B0 u4E3B u8981 u7528 u4E8E u6D4B u8BD5 u3002)
    2017-05-09 14:21:30下载
  • singalframenuc
    通过统计直方图并作相应的处理完成了红外图像非均匀性校正,特别是针对红外图像中常见的条纹非均匀性(Through statistical histogram and processed accordingly infrared image non-uniformity correction, especially for the common striped infrared image non-uniformity)
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  • BandeletsTutorial[1]
    The second generation bandelets [Peyr´ e and Mallat 2005c] is a orthogonal multiscale transform that is able to capture thegeometric content of images and surfaces.
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  • RetinexMatlab
    Retinex Mccan 图象增强算法的matlab实现(Retinex Mccan image enhancement algorithm matlab realize)
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  • xiququyu
    感兴趣区域提取,能用于车牌号及台风等图像,效果不错(Extract the interesting area, it can be used in license plate number and typhoons images and so on, has good results )
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    文章对比分析了火焰不同的形状结构特征,及其特征组合对火焰检测有效性的影响,提出了一种融合圆形度、矩形度和重心高度系数的火焰检测算法,然后将融合后的火焰特征输入支持向量机(SVM)中进行分类( Based on fusion of these flame features,the support vector machine (SVM) is used for classi- fication. Experimental results on the fire videos at Bilkent University show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and fast for fire detection,and it could detect fire real-time under a variety of circumstances.)
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  • SIFT_wonderful
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