Acrylic是微软刚刚启动的类似于Photoshop的设计软件,主要设计思想是取代Windows(Acrylic is a design software similar to Photoshop that Microsoft has just started. The main design idea is to replace Windows.)
css\_vti_cnf\viewer.css, 403 , 2017-04-11
css\viewer.css, 1411 , 2017-04-11
javascript\functions.js, 473 , 2017-04-11
javascript\main.js, 16939 , 2017-04-11
javascript\Map.js, 7742 , 2017-04-11
javascript\Point.js, 64 , 2017-04-11
javascript\Rect.js, 2691 , 2017-04-11
javascript\ZoomBox.js, 3201 , 2017-04-11
Xbin\BlueViewercs.dll, 24576 , 2017-04-11
Global.asax, 79 , 2017-04-11
default.aspx, 7878 , 2017-04-11
legend.aspx, 1122 , 2017-04-11
MakeMap.aspx, 637 , 2017-04-11
print.aspx, 1787 , 2017-04-11
2axl\BlueViewer.axl, 8543 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\deptodoc.btr, 324 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\doctodep.btr, 324 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\access.cnf, 121 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\service.cnf, 1361 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\services.cnf, 3 , 2017-04-11
Web.config, 4696 , 2017-04-11
2AssemblyInfo.cs, 2171 , 2017-04-11
default.aspx.cs, 2430 , 2017-04-11
Global.asax.cs, 1378 , 2017-04-11
legend.aspx.cs, 3093 , 2017-04-11
MakeMap.aspx.cs, 5005 , 2017-04-11
print.aspx.cs, 3584 , 2017-04-11
BlueViewercs.csproj, 11138 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt\service.lck, 0 , 2017-04-11
Xbin\BlueViewercs.pdb, 36352 , 2017-04-11
default.aspx.resx, 1733 , 2017-04-11
Global.asax.resx, 1733 , 2017-04-11
legend.aspx.resx, 5317 , 2017-04-11
MakeMap.aspx.resx, 1733 , 2017-04-11
print.aspx.resx, 5317 , 2017-04-11
BlueViewercs.csproj.webinfo, 122 , 2017-04-11
images\closex.gif, 933 , 2017-04-11
images\east.gif, 1830 , 2017-04-11
images\largemap.gif, 1264 , 2017-04-11
images\legend.gif, 1358 , 2017-04-11
images\Loading.gif, 1788 , 2017-04-11
images\north.gif, 1691 , 2017-04-11
images\printer.gif, 763 , 2017-04-11
images\recenterlabel.gif, 1305 , 2017-04-11
images\smallmap.gif, 1276 , 2017-04-11
images\south.gif, 1673 , 2017-04-11
images\tick.gif, 864 , 2017-04-11
images\tick_selected.gif, 864 , 2017-04-11
images\transparent.gif, 49 , 2017-04-11
images\west.gif, 1939 , 2017-04-11
images\zoomin.gif, 1136 , 2017-04-11
images\zoominlabel.gif, 1245 , 2017-04-11
images\zoomout.gif, 1182 , 2017-04-11
css\_vti_cnf, 0 , 2019-05-22
_vti_cnf, 0 , 2017-04-11
_vti_pvt, 0 , 2019-05-22
_vti_script, 0 , 2017-04-11
_vti_txt, 0 , 2017-04-11
2axl, 0 , 2019-05-22
css, 0 , 2019-05-22
images, 0 , 2019-05-22
javascript, 0 , 2019-05-22
Xbin, 0 , 2019-05-22