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nano 13 eng

于 2017-06-24 发布 文件大小:585KB
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  approche hybride firefly et k-mens pour la classification des image sat


nano 13 eng.pdf



0 个回复

  • 08860
    应用到了操作系统界面功能支持库和图像格式转换支持库,在截取窗口位置时调用了API函数,大家做屏幕截图时可以参考下本例程中的代码。(Applied to the operating system interface features support libraries and image format conversion support library , in the interception of the window position API function calls , you can refer to the code in this routine when we do screenshots .)
    2016-07-11 10:18:44下载
  • 49762
    手机壁纸截图小工具源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,应用易语言图像格式转换支持库,可以截取指定格式的图片,用于手机壁纸。(Phone wallpaper theme gadget source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the application image format conversion easy language support library , can intercept a specified format pictures, wallpaper for mobile phones .)
    2017-01-17 16:27:47下载
  • 405372
    图片压缩机源码程序,例程结合易语言第三方支持库云外归鸟的图像处理支持库,可以实现手机图片的专用压缩。(Image Compressor source programs, routines combined with easy language support library of third-party cloud of birds outside support image processing library, you can achieve cell phone pictures of special compression.)
    2017-01-17 13:15:37下载
  • 5476544333
    易语言仿彗星真彩PNG按钮源码,易语言写的图形图象编程,很好的参考。(Easy language imitation comet true color PNG button, easy graphics programming language to write, a good reference.)
    2013-09-20 00:30:12下载
  • 652697
    获取系统进程信息源码,程序结合易语言模块斩月_图像相关模块.ec,调用API函数实现屏幕差异传输。(Get system processes information source , combined with easy language module program _ Zangetsu image correlation module .ec, call the API function screen difference transmission .)
    2016-10-26 00:42:37下载
  • 256453
    图像自定义选区取图源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和操作系统界面功能支持库,实现图像自定义选区功能。(Custom image taken Figure source selection routine program combining easy language support library expansion interface and operating system interface features support library that implements a custom image selection feature.)
    2017-03-18 18:22:35下载
  • 28633
    画任意旋转点源码,例程程序使用画板,根据两点的坐标及旋转角度画出旋转点的坐标。(Videos arbitrary rotation point source , a routine procedure using Sketchpad , coordinate rotation point to draw the coordinates of two points and the angle of rotation .)
    2015-09-12 22:53:09下载
  • 552322224
    动画框画直线,易语言写的图形图像编程,很好的参考。(Animation frame painting line, easy graphic language programming, a good reference.)
    2013-09-17 11:58:02下载
  • 552322224
    动画框画直线,易语言写的图形图像编程,很好的参考。(Animation frame painting line, easy graphic language programming, a good reference.)
    2013-09-17 11:58:02下载
  • SAR-images-about-agriculture
    这是关于农业方面的遥感SAR图像数据,做SAR处理的可以下载使用(This is the SAR remote sensing image data on agriculture, do SAR processing can download)
    2013-12-09 11:38:44下载
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