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于 2021-04-18 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  This work proposes two novel optimization algorithms called Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and Multiobjective Salp Swarm Algorithm (MSSA) for solving optimization problems with single and multiple objectives. The main inspiration of SSA and MSSA is the swarming behaviour of salps when navigating and foraging in oceans. These two algorithms are tested on several mathematical optimization functions to observe and confirm their effective behaviours in finding the optimal solutions for optimization problems.


Acc.m, 1671 , 2017-10-23
AccSz.m, 1669 , 2017-10-23
CrossOverU.m, 1387 , 2017-10-23
initialization.m, 1494 , 2017-10-23
main.m, 1880 , 2017-10-18
MutationU.m, 1504 , 2017-10-23
sa.m, 2188 , 2016-08-31
tournamentSelection.m, 1786 , 2017-10-23
WOASA.m, 4741 , 2017-10-23
zoo.dat, 3535 , 2004-11-10



0 个回复

  • rf
    说明:  跳频是按跳频序列随机改变一个信道所占有频道频率的技术。在GSM 系统中,可利用跳频技术频率分极和干扰分极的特点,改善网络质量。引入跳频技术,可保证在网络软拥塞不上升的情况下,频率复用度较小。(FH frequency hopping sequence is based on a random channel change in the country channel frequency technology. In the GSM system, can make use of frequency hopping technology sub-polar and polar characteristics of interference and improve network quality. The introduction of frequency-hopping technology to ensure that congestion in the network does not increase in the soft case, a smaller frequency reuse moment.)
    2009-05-12 19:44:55下载
  • sm-matlab-2ed
    P. Stoica经典著作《Spectral Analysis of Signals》程序。包括AR模型、ARMA、MUSIC等40多个程序(P. Stoica classic " Spectral Analysis of Signals" procedures. Including the AR model, ARMA, MUSIC, such as more than 40 procedures)
    2009-06-04 23:20:15下载
    这个例子是书上的Morlet小波程序,运行时总是出错。包括 ??? Error using ==> CWT_Morlet at 11 At least 1 parameter required! 这个问题是怎么回事?error的用法错在哪里了?还有,这个程序还有哪些错误呢?比如函数定义之类的问题?请各位大侠帮帮我吧。( Review the release notes for other MathWorks® products required for this product (for example, MATLAB® or Simulink® ). Determine if enhancements, bugs, or compatibility considerations in other products impact you. If you are upgrading from a software version other than the most recent one, review the current release notes and all interim versions. For example, when you upgrade from V)
    2013-08-08 20:13:00下载
  • Afactor.m
    this code finds out the array factor of ULA
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  • OFDM-classic-algorithm
    OFDM classic algorithm 经典算法,可帮助ofdm的理解(OFDM classic algorithm classic algorithm, can help to understand ofdm)
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  • qicheerziyoudu
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  • sarsimulation
    sar成像的描述算法,具有介绍性质,入门者可以看看,效果很好。(introduction to sar iamging algorithm)
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  • Beginnings-of-Matlab
    作者写得还是很简练的,尤其是对新手,我就是看他的熟悉Matlab的。(It is practical for the beginners to start use the Matlab.)
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  • ce
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