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于 2021-04-18 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  This work proposes two novel optimization algorithms called Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and Multiobjective Salp Swarm Algorithm (MSSA) for solving optimization problems with single and multiple objectives. The main inspiration of SSA and MSSA is the swarming behaviour of salps when navigating and foraging in oceans. These two algorithms are tested on several mathematical optimization functions to observe and confirm their effective behaviours in finding the optimal solutions for optimization problems.


Acc.m, 1671 , 2017-10-23
AccSz.m, 1669 , 2017-10-23
CrossOverU.m, 1387 , 2017-10-23
initialization.m, 1494 , 2017-10-23
main.m, 1880 , 2017-10-18
MutationU.m, 1504 , 2017-10-23
sa.m, 2188 , 2016-08-31
tournamentSelection.m, 1786 , 2017-10-23
WOASA.m, 4741 , 2017-10-23
zoo.dat, 3535 , 2004-11-10



0 个回复

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