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于 2017-11-11 发布 文件大小:93KB
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  关于 windows 下 perl 的一个小例子,()



0 个回复

  • RstAndClsCmptr
    用visual c++实现系统开关机,注销(With visual c++ to achieve switching machines, log off)
    2010-05-20 16:12:47下载
  • 一个读取硬盘序列号与CPU序列号的DLL
    VC写的,一个读取硬盘序列号与CPU序列号的DLL,大家可以利用它来为自己的软件提供保护机制。(VC written by a reader drives and CPU serial number sequence, the DLL, you can use it for its own software to provide protection mechanisms.)
    2005-05-02 16:36:26下载
  • WMIDemo
    WMI查询操作是学习wmi不错的例子,还是值得推荐的(WMI query is learning wmi good example is worthy of recommendation)
    2014-01-03 22:10:53下载
  • a
    说明:  得到函数地址的程序,菜鸟级产品不要笑我 刚学驱动(Adress Of function)
    2009-06-24 10:28:07下载
  • MeDelete
    SelfDelete(可以删除自身的VC++源码(巳通过了调试)) 为了实现程序自删除功能,我们可以通过多进程的方法解决这个问题。可执行文件在结束返回前,创建一个运行命令窗口的新进程(在Windows98中为Command进程,在Windows2000/XP中为CMD进程),当然该命令窗口以隐藏方式执行,并通过传递参数执行删除功能。为了避免可执行文件的映像还在内存中就执行删除,需要把当前进程设置为实时优先级,而命令窗口进程设置为很低的IDLE优先级,这样首先可执行文件结束返回,再运行命令窗口的删除命令,就实现了该文件自身的删除功能。 (SelfDelete (you can delete its own VC++ source code (had passed debugging)) In order to achieve the program from the delete function, we can multi-process methods to solve this problem. Return before the end of the executable file, run the command window to create a new process (in Windows98 process for the Command, in Windows2000/XP process for CMD), of course, the command window to hide the manner and to perform delete functions by passing a parameter . In order to avoid the executable file image still in memory on the implementation of delete, you need to set the current process for real-time priority, and the command window to set the process priority to low IDLE, so the end of the first return to the executable file, then run the command window delete command, the file itself to achieve the delete function. )
    2011-06-26 23:22:21下载
  • TTS_PC
    PC机上的TTS程序,利于理解TTS原理,也可以作为应用程序。(PC, the TTS program, which will help understand the TTS principle, can be used as application.)
    2010-07-17 10:32:23下载
  • Microsoft-Visual-C-6.0preference
    本书是一本比较全面的VC的编程手册,帮你快速掌握VC,是开发必不可少工具。( A book of VC preference,it is useful for you.)
    2017-05-14 23:17:01下载
  • GetHardDiskId
    获取硬盘序列号的动态库与调用源码! 可以获得所有硬盘的序列号,兼容2000/XP/2003操作系统!(Get hard drive serial number of the dynamic library and call the source! Access to all the hard drive serial number, compatible with 2000/XP/2003 operating system!)
    2020-09-05 16:48:05下载
  • ShareMemory
    c++ 写的共享内存的实例,进程间通信用,已封装类,方便使用,默认大小根据实际情况自由更改(C++ write the sharing memory examples, inter-process communication, already encapsulation class, ease of use, the default size according to the actual situation of the freedom to change )
    2012-08-06 13:14:44下载
  • meanshift
    Mean Shift,我们 翻译为“均值飘移”。其在聚类,图像平滑。图像分割和跟踪方面得到了比较广泛的应用。(Mean Shift)
    2013-11-21 13:29:26下载
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