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于 2020-07-15 发布 文件大小:9943KB
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  Laplace可以应用于图像的锐化,根据其原理,对于Laplace后的图像同样可以进行边缘检测。(Laplace can be applied to image sharpening. According to its principle, edge detection can also be performed for images after Laplace.)


alt_pll.qip, 0 , 2017-04-18
alt_sqrt.qip, 0 , 2017-10-20
cmos.stp, 77116 , 2017-10-22
db, 0 , 2018-07-28
db\.cmp.kpt, 204 , 2018-01-23
db\a_gray2bin_6ib.tdf, 1698 , 2018-07-11
db\a_gray2bin_7ib.tdf, 1755 , 2017-04-19
db\a_gray2bin_tgb.tdf, 1595 , 2017-04-18
db\a_graycounter_0lc.tdf, 3853 , 2018-07-11
db\a_graycounter_1lc.tdf, 3990 , 2017-04-19
db\a_graycounter_577.tdf, 3808 , 2018-07-11
db\a_graycounter_677.tdf, 3959 , 2017-04-19
db\a_graycounter_njc.tdf, 3478 , 2017-04-18
db\a_graycounter_s57.tdf, 3434 , 2017-04-18
db\add_sub_8pc.tdf, 1878 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_apc.tdf, 1503 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_bpc.tdf, 1503 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_cpc.tdf, 1503 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_dpc.tdf, 1503 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_epc.tdf, 1503 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_fpc.tdf, 1504 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_kgh.tdf, 1432 , 2017-10-22
db\add_sub_ngh.tdf, 1432 , 2017-10-22
db\add_sub_nqc.tdf, 1507 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_nvi.tdf, 1576 , 2017-10-20
db\add_sub_oqc.tdf, 1511 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_pqc.tdf, 1511 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_qgh.tdf, 1432 , 2017-10-22
db\add_sub_qqc.tdf, 1511 , 2017-10-19
db\add_sub_rqc.tdf, 1511 , 2017-10-20
db\alt_pll_altpll.v, 4321 , 2018-07-11
db\alt_synch_pipe_hkd.tdf, 2197 , 2017-04-18
db\alt_synch_pipe_ikd.tdf, 2197 , 2017-04-18
db\alt_synch_pipe_qld.tdf, 2198 , 2018-07-11
db\alt_synch_pipe_rld.tdf, 2198 , 2018-07-11
db\alt_synch_pipe_sld.tdf, 2202 , 2017-04-19
db\alt_synch_pipe_tld.tdf, 2202 , 2017-04-19
db\alt_synch_pipe_uld.tdf, 2193 , 2017-10-19
db\alt_synch_pipe_vld.tdf, 2193 , 2017-10-19
db\altsyncram_1r91.tdf, 9219 , 2017-10-08
db\altsyncram_2124.tdf, 61467 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_3u14.tdf, 50362 , 2018-07-11
db\altsyncram_59r1.tdf, 13258 , 2017-10-08
db\altsyncram_6124.tdf, 63627 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_8124.tdf, 103588 , 2017-04-20
db\altsyncram_8424.tdf, 152689 , 2017-10-18
db\altsyncram_a124.tdf, 103594 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_dj31.tdf, 14113 , 2018-07-11
db\altsyncram_eja1.tdf, 29062 , 2018-07-11
db\altsyncram_g124.tdf, 69027 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_gu14.tdf, 40747 , 2017-04-20
db\altsyncram_ku14.tdf, 23563 , 2017-04-20
db\altsyncram_mj31.tdf, 14164 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_nja1.tdf, 29077 , 2017-10-18
db\altsyncram_o124.tdf, 112228 , 2017-04-20
db\altsyncram_o424.tdf, 210353 , 2017-10-19
db\altsyncram_ou14.tdf, 103039 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_q324.tdf, 125489 , 2017-05-26
db\altsyncram_s024.tdf, 19347 , 2017-04-17
db\altsyncram_s324.tdf, 126577 , 2017-06-10
db\altsyncram_s8r1.tdf, 12434 , 2018-07-11
db\altsyncram_vj31.tdf, 23748 , 2017-04-18
db\altsyncram_vk31.tdf, 14189 , 2017-04-19
db\cmos_auto_stripped.stp, 71406 , 2018-03-05
db\cmpr_7ic.tdf, 2433 , 2018-07-11
db\cmpr_e66.tdf, 2169 , 2017-04-18
db\cmpr_n76.tdf, 2367 , 2018-07-11
db\cmpr_ngc.tdf, 1684 , 2018-07-11
db\cmpr_o76.tdf, 2462 , 2017-04-19
db\cmpr_qgc.tdf, 1916 , 2018-07-11
db\cmpr_rgc.tdf, 2006 , 2017-04-17
db\cmpr_sgc.tdf, 2076 , 2018-07-11
db\cmpr_tgc.tdf, 2165 , 2017-04-18
db\cmpr_ugc.tdf, 2235 , 2017-10-18
db\cntr_23j.tdf, 3298 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_3uf.tdf, 4493 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_64e.tdf, 3197 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_6ii.tdf, 4258 , 2017-10-18
db\cntr_89j.tdf, 3960 , 2017-04-17
db\cntr_cgi.tdf, 3733 , 2017-04-17
db\cntr_dgi.tdf, 3864 , 2017-04-17
db\cntr_egi.tdf, 3864 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_eii.tdf, 4258 , 2017-10-19
db\cntr_fgi.tdf, 3733 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_g9j.tdf, 4102 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_ggi.tdf, 3995 , 2017-04-20
db\cntr_h6j.tdf, 3826 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_hgi.tdf, 3995 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_i6j.tdf, 3566 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_igi.tdf, 3864 , 2017-04-20
db\cntr_jgi.tdf, 3995 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_kgi.tdf, 3864 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_lgi.tdf, 4126 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_mgi.tdf, 3995 , 2018-07-11
db\cntr_ogi.tdf, 3995 , 2017-04-18
db\cntr_tgi.tdf, 4126 , 2017-04-20
db\cntr_uhi.tdf, 4127 , 2017-05-26
db\cntr_vhi.tdf, 4127 , 2017-06-10
db\dcfifo_3tl1.tdf, 7721 , 2017-04-19
db\dcfifo_8ql1.tdf, 7676 , 2017-04-18



0 个回复

    用VS2005编写的一个框架,适合初用SDK编程的人参考,代码可以执行,简单易懂。(Frame program write with VS2005,suit for the SDK primer)
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  • 本sablog V1.5从www.cncode.com博客系统。
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