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于 2020-06-29 发布 文件大小:1275KB
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  中科大高级计算机网络第二次试验: 1)使用Mininet 、MinEdit模拟数据中心网络; 2)使用Controller,实现由链路故障和没有故障时的两种情况; 3)不使用Controller的模拟,手动配置Fattree的路由转发表; (USTC Advanced Computer Network Second test: 1) the use of Mininet, MinEdit analog data center network 2) Controller, implemented by the two cases and no link failure fault 3) without analog Controller, manual configuration Fattree the routing tables )





0 个回复

  • gongchengshi
    工矿企业电气工程师手册P91例高压网络三相短路计算经典(mining Electrical Engineers Handbook P91 cases of three-phase short-circuit high voltage network classical)
    2007-05-17 21:27:57下载
  • com写的ip地址挂起的
    com写的网络ip地址挂起的程序-com write network ip address hang procedures
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  • filetransserver
    务器端基于select I/O模型。为防止程序界面阻塞,有一个子线程用于不断接收socket并select其中的处理。客户端只有一个线程函数,不过其利用率很高,可用于远程目录交换,请求文件大小,创建若干线程来下载文件。文件传输有上传和下载,还有对等传输,这个项目中,传输文件具体指下载。 (side is based on the Treasury select I/O model. To prevent the program interface obstruction, a son threaded socket for receiving continuous and select which of treatment. Only one client thread function, but its high efficiency, long-distance directory can be used to exchange documents requested size, creating a number of threads to download files. Upload a file transfer and downloading, and the transmission of the project, specifically referring to transfer files downloaded.)
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  • 4229
    天气预报查询源码,主要应用易语言互联网支持库中的“HTTP读文件”命令,提交天气预报查询URL地址信息,再根据格式分析取得的信息,得到三天内的温度、风向等天气信息。(Weather Forecast query source , the main application easy language support library Internet HTTP read file command , to submit weather search URL address information , and then format the analysis based on the information obtained , to give three days of temperature, wind and other weather information.)
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