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  同态滤波增强暗部细节,通过分解为照射分量和反射分量处理图片(Homomorphic filtering enhances the details of the dark portion by decomposing the image as an irradiated component and a reflection component)



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  • Chapter-1
    数字图像处理的基础知识学习 涵盖源代码,有助于提高编程(digital image processing )
    2013-11-05 20:36:52下载
  • manualhist
    从键盘读取输入信息,并绘制最终的高斯函数。(Read from the keyboard to enter information, and rendering the final Gaussian function.)
    2008-01-10 11:18:41下载
  • huidugongshengjuzhentezhentiqu
    基于图像纹理的特征提取,使用灰度共生矩阵方法。(Texture feature extraction based on the use of gray level co-occurrence matrix method.)
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  • bilinear_interpolation
    说明:  利用matlab对图像进行双线性插值处理,具有良好的实现效果,亲测亲试。(Using matlab to process the image by bilinear interpolation, it has a good effect to realize the pro-test.)
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  • gammacorrection
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  • yu-chu-li
    P0301:数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 P0302:二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 P0303:采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 P0304:直方图均匀化 P0305:模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 P0306:采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 P0307:采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 P0308:图像的自适应魏纳滤波 P0309:运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 P0310:图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 P0311:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 P0312:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理 (P0301: digital image data matrix display and Fourier Transform P0302: two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression P0303: using gray transform method to enhance the contrast of the image P0304: histogram equalization P0305: Simulation images by white Gaussian noise and salt and pepper noise P0306: 2D median filtering function medfilt2 right by Salt and Pepper image noise filtering P0307: using MATLAB functions filter2 of noise images mean filtering P0308: Image Adaptive Filter Weiner P0309: use five different gradient Enhancement Act for image sharpening P0310: Images of the high-pass filtering and mask handling P0311: use Butterworth (Butterworth) low-pass filter on the noise in the image smoothing P0312: use Butterworth ( Butterworth) high-pass filter for image sharpening)
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  • StereoVisionVS2008
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  • vector-image-detect
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