也很实用,都是外文的。(Transfer alignment of the relevant information, very classic, very useful, are in foreign languages.)
- 2010-06-01 22:16:06下载
- 积分:1
ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传ftp上传(ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload ftp upload)
- 2016-10-11 10:09:57下载
- 积分:1
打印“魔方阵”。所谓“魔方阵”是指这样的方阵,它的每一行、每一列和对角线之和均相等。例如,三阶魔方阵为: 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 要求打印出由1到n...
打印“魔方阵”。所谓“魔方阵”是指这样的方阵,它的每一行、每一列和对角线之和均相等。例如,三阶魔方阵为: 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 要求打印出由1到n*n的自然数构成的魔方阵。-Print "magic matrices." The so-called "magic matrix" refers to the matrix, which each line, each diagonal out and the sum of all the same. For example, third-order magic Lineup : 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 request from a print n* n to the natural form of the magic number of matrices.
- 2022-01-25 16:01:22下载
- 积分:1
概率统计分析仪 labview程序
概率统计分析仪 labview程序-Probability and Statistics Analyzer
- 2022-03-05 00:54:50下载
- 积分:1
an easy starter for people to work on android
an easy starter for people to work on android
- 2022-06-12 17:46:50下载
- 积分:1
自适应频谱感知算法 在外文网站down下来的可以参考一下还是可以的(Adaptive spectrum sensing algorithm)
- 2018-04-25 14:37:16下载
- 积分:1
说明: VERILOG FPGA .................QUARTUS
- 2019-03-07 08:28:36下载
- 积分:1
单一河道矩形断面非恒定 fortran
说明: 河道非恒定流模拟程序,基于pressiman格式,可以直接运行,也可修改用于自己的实例(Simulation program of unsteady flow in river channel based on presiman scheme)
- 2020-06-07 12:45:24下载
- 积分:1
大面积分布目标的合成孔径雷达(SAR)回波模拟需要大量的运算,文中提出了一种合成孔径雷达回波模拟的快速算法,算法利用时域插值和FFTl’来缩减运算量,对于大面积目标回波模拟时,该算法有很高的效率。文中详细分析sinc函数插值所带来的误差以及补偿方法,并在次基础上提出了一种利用增采样插值方法,该方法以增加少量运算为代价,使得模拟精度的大幅度提高。文中比较了传统方法和基于FFTl’的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法的模拟结果,证明了这种快速算法确实行之有效。(The simulation of distributed targets is very important to the design of synthetic aperture radar(SAR)sys-
tems.Since the end product is SAR images,the echo of SAR signals needs to be simulated and then processed form SAR images,an d the parameters needs to be measured and the perform ance of the images should be,an d then evaluated.The designing parameters of SAR could be adjusted to meet the requirement of users before developing SAR systems,specially
in space—bome SAR systems.Th e simulation data is also needed during the developing an d debugging of a space—borne SAR real—time processor.Another purpose of simulation is to supply a great deal of simulation imag es to train image usors of space—bo rne SAR before it launch.)
- 2009-07-07 22:42:14下载
- 积分:1
说明: Spire.Doc 去水印,提供对Word操作功能(Spire.doc can remove watermark and provide word operation function)
- 2020-04-09 12:39:50下载
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