首页 » PHP » vlcPrstpchuanliushipin


于 2016-05-16 发布 文件大小:6061KB
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   本项目是一个基于安卓的视频直播项目源码,编译安装到手机上后,在电脑上安装vlc播放器,在vlc播放器(媒体-打开串流)里面输入安卓客户端生成的rstp地址点击播放就可以串流你手机摄像头实时看到的东西。前提条件:手机和电脑的ip在同一个网段亲测有效。pydroid-ipcamera这个项目能够将Android设备变成一个漂亮的网络摄像机 ip camera。(This project is a Android based video living broadcast program source code, compile and install to the phone, VLC player installed on the computer, in VLC player (media- Open streaming) inputs inside the Android client generates the RSTP address, click on the broadcast will be able to stream your camera phone in real time to see things. Prerequisite: mobile phone and computer IP pro test in the same network. Pydroid-ipcamera this project will be able to turn the Android device into a beautiful network camera camera ip.)



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