首页 » C# » DataGrid-and-CheckBox


于 2016-05-12 发布 文件大小:169KB
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  在DataGrid中加入CheckBox可以进行选中删除,代码详细,思路清晰(Join in the DataGrid CheckBox can delete, the code in detail, clear thinking)



0 个回复

  • ExpTab
    可动态添加关闭标签页的自定义TabControl控件.功能强大。(Can be dynamically added to close the Customize tab TabControl control. Powerful.)
    2014-08-17 05:25:54下载
  • bj
    说明:  powerbuilder的源码一个带有图片的简单界面(powerbuilder source simple interface with a picture of)
    2014-10-06 13:25:36下载
  • 500195
    端口映射器源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用易语言模块实现端口映射。(Port Mapper source routine program expansion interface combined with easy language support library , call the easy language module port mapping.)
    2015-09-09 14:17:54下载
  • jishi
    计时程序 控件丰富 操作简便 很实用 初学者可用的 好东西(Rich simple timing program control is very useful for beginners can be a good thing)
    2011-05-05 21:25:00下载
  • 565566
    扩展收缩对话框应用程序界面,VC++编程精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Expansion contraction dialog application program interface, VC++ programming featured learning source code, a good reference.)
    2013-11-19 18:57:47下载
  • free
    一套Java Swing做的ERP框架,界面很漂亮(a set of erp frame which was made of java swing.It s user interface is beautiful )
    2013-03-21 23:08:39下载
  • list
    list控件的基本适应方法,简单易懂。。很适合初学者(The basic adaptation list controls, easy to understand. . It is suitable for beginners)
    2014-02-10 22:46:21下载
  • Uninstall_app
    静默批量卸载安卓非内置App源码,传统的安卓应用卸载会直接转跳到系统的应用详情界面点击卸载才能一个个的卸载,本例子卸载应用的时候不需要弹出应用管理界面直接静默卸载手机非内置应用,用户体验良好并且支持选择多个app一起卸载,但是运行的时候会申请Root权限,有Root权限才能卸载。(PS.另外尝试了一下卸载360,未果,说明并不是万能不过卸载普通的app绰绰有余了)默认编译版本4.2.2编码GBK源码有注释。(Silent batch uninstall an Zhuofei built-in app source and traditional Android application uninstall will turn directly jump to the system application details screen, click the uninstall it before one of the unloading, this example to uninstall applications don t need pop-up application management interface directly silent uninstall mobile non built should be used, user experience good and support more than one app selection uninstalled together, but run time will apply root privileges, root privileges to uninstall. (Ps. in addition to try to uninstall the 360, failed to explain is not a panacea, but unloading ordinary app more than sufficient) default annotated version 4.2.2 GBK encoding source code compilation.)
    2016-07-05 15:25:54下载
  • MM1
    random and queuing theory(mm1)
    2015-08-26 18:15:24下载
  • ellipseface
    带背景的椭圆形窗体源码(VC) 使用VC所学的窗体制作知识创建一个椭圆形的窗体,在这个不规则窗体内使用了背景图像,bmp格式的背景图片,去除了窗口上的标题栏和最小化、最大化以及关闭按钮,退出时主按键盘的“ESC”键。窗口最终效果如.. 语言界面:简体中文 (Oval form with background source (VC) Use VC production knowledge learned form to create an elliptical form, in this irregular usage within a background image, background image bmp format, in addition to the title bar on the window and minimize, maximize, and close button to exit the main press keyboard ESC key. As final results window .. Language Interface: Simplified Chinese)
    2015-06-10 18:06:57下载
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