分页标记。网页开发中经常遇到查询,当记录多时需要分页显示,通过上一页、下一页浏览全部记录。通常的处理方法比较烦,特别是需要在页面中传递查询参数的表单,比较繁烦。这个标记就是用来封装这些复杂操作的。它能够自动从表单中获得全部查询参数,并在浏览时自动传递这些参数,无需人工干预,开发人员只需专心于取得这些参数进行查询处理即可。(Page tags. Often encountered in web development inquiries, when records show a long time the need for paging through the Previous, Next, browse all records. The approach usually trouble, especially the need to pass query parameters page of the form, compare annoying fan. This tag is used to package these complex operations. It can automatically get from the form all the query parameters, and in the browser automatically transfer these parameters without human intervention, developers just concentrate on these parameters can query processing.)