首页 » MQL » MT4编程模版[2016.02]


于 2021-03-22 发布 文件大小:460KB
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  重零基础开始学习MQL编程语言,到自己可以编写程序(15/5000 Start learning the MQL programming language from scratch)


MQL4, 0 , 2016-03-30
MQL4\Experts, 0 , 2016-03-30
MQL4\Experts\EasyGo, 0 , 2016-05-08
MQL4\Experts\EasyGo\MQL4 EA模版[2016.02].mq4, 46802 , 2016-05-03
MQL4\Files, 0 , 2016-03-25
MQL4\Images, 0 , 2016-03-28
MQL4\Images\EasyGo, 0 , 2016-05-06
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\laoyeeico.ico, 67646 , 2014-02-11
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\StatisticalData_close.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\StatisticalData_close.png, 45125 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\StatisticalData_open.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\StatisticalData_open.png, 45030 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\SymbolProperty_close.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\SymbolProperty_close.png, 43331 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\SymbolProperty_open.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\SymbolProperty_open.png, 43983 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\TradingMap_close.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\TradingMap_close.png, 43930 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\TradingMap_open.bmp, 4854 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\TradingMap_open.png, 44117 , 2016-03-24
MQL4\Images\EasyGo\yixingLogo.ico, 67646 , 2014-08-31
MQL4\Images\laoyeeico.ico, 67646 , 2014-02-11
MQL4\Images\yixingLogo.ico, 67646 , 2014-08-31
MQL4\Include, 0 , 2016-03-25
MQL4\Include\EasyGo, 0 , 2016-03-28
MQL4\Include\EasyGo\egControlFunctions.mqh, 25028 , 2016-05-06
MQL4\Include\EasyGo\egEnvironmentVariables.mqh, 6310 , 2016-04-29
MQL4\Include\EasyGo\egOrdersVariables.mqh, 8946 , 2016-01-30
MQL4\Include\EasyGo\egUIFunctions.mqh, 35262 , 2016-04-11
MQL4\Indicators, 0 , 2016-03-30
MQL4\Indicators\EasyGo, 0 , 2016-03-25
MQL4\Indicators\EasyGo\egTools, 0 , 2016-03-30
MQL4\Indicators\EasyGo\egTools\egTradingInfo[1.1].ex4, 102252 , 2016-04-29
MQL4\Indicators\EasyGo\MQL4 EA模版[2016.02].mq4, 46802 , 2016-05-03
MQL4\Libraries, 0 , 2016-03-28
MQL4\Libraries\EasyGo, 0 , 2016-03-28
MQL4\Libraries\EasyGo\egControlFunctions.ex4, 127400 , 2016-05-06
MQL4\Libraries\EasyGo\egUIFunctions.ex4, 20850 , 2016-04-11
MQL4\Logs, 0 , 2016-03-30
MQL4\Presets, 0 , 2016-03-25
MQL4\Projects, 0 , 2016-01-31
MQL4\Scripts, 0 , 2016-03-25
程序安装说明.txt, 235 , 2016-03-14



0 个回复

  • gp
    对自己曾经操作过的股票进行分类总结,以便日后再扣操作(Their stocks have been classified operation summary for the days trip operation)
    2013-11-20 08:07:46下载
  • bitcchina
    1.一键买币,一键卖币 2.价格提醒 3.大量委单提醒 4.k线图 5.委托行情图 6.收益计算 7.实时交易价格显示 更新内容: 1.一键卖币bug修复 其他功能正在添加中。。。 (btcchina btccoin)
    2020-07-03 06:00:01下载
  • Currency
    外汇源码,供大家学习参考。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Source of foreign exchange, consult for everybody to learn)
    2017-11-03 19:03:00下载
  • 123
    模拟银行业务:(1) 银行每日的现金额固定,工作窗口个数固定(大于1),客户只能在工作窗口办理业务。 (2) 客户出现可以为随机,其办理的业务种类也随机。客户在到达银行时,总是最短的选择队伍排在最后面。 (3) 当客户取款时,如果帐户余额不足,则拒绝其取款;当银行现金额不足时,应请客户等待,银行现金额充足时通知客户,立即为其办理;当客户等待一定时间后现金仍然不足,或者客户主动查询N次之后,现金仍然不足,则会离开银行。 (4) 客户的存款应加入银行当日当前可用现金额。 (5) 动画实时显示银行办理业务的情况。可以启动、暂停、重新启动银行业务。 (6) 对于本程序,用户可以创建某一特定客户,使之进入银行办理业务,以便测试。 (Analog Banking: (1) bank fixed daily amount of cash, the number of fixed working window (greater than 1), customers can conduct business in the working window. (2) the customer may appear random, handled its business lines also random. When customers reach the bank, always choose the shortest team came in last. (3) when the customer withdrawals, if your account balance is insufficient, rejected its withdrawal when there is insufficient amount of cash banks should ask the customer to wait, notify the customer when sufficient amount of cash banks, immediately its handling when customers wait for a certain time after the cash after still insufficient, or the customer initiative inquiry N times, cash is still insufficient, it will leave the bank. (4) the customer' s date of deposit currently available amount of cash banks should join. (5) Real-time animation display case bank business. You can start, pause, restart banking. (6) For this program, the user can create a specific customer)
    2016-04-27 21:31:06下载
  • 经验模态分解EMD模型
    经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EMD))方法被认为是2000年来以傅立叶变换为基础的线性和稳态频谱分析的一个重大突破?,该方法是依据数据自身的时间尺度特征来进行信号分解,无须预先设定任何基函数。 该方法的关键是经验模式分解,它能使复杂信号分解为有限个本征模函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,简称IMF),所分解出来的各IMF分量包含了原信号的不同时间尺度的局部特征信号。经验模态分解法能使非平稳数据进行平稳化处理,然后进行希尔伯特变换获得时频谱图,得到有物理意义的频率。(The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method is considered as a major breakthrough in the linear and steady state spectrum analysis based on Fu Liye transform in 2000. The method is based on the time scale characteristics of the data itself to decompose the signal without setting any base functions in advance. The key of this method is the empirical mode decomposition, which can decompose the complex signal into a limited eigenmode function (Intrinsic Mode Function, for short, IMF), and the decomposed IMF components include the local characteristic signals of the different time scales of the original signal. The empirical mode decomposition method can smooth the non-stationary data, and then obtain the time-frequency spectrum by Hilbert transform to get the physical meaning frequency.)
    2020-07-07 17:38:57下载
  • quantitative-investment-strategies
    经典金融工程领域的“等价复制”概念,通过复制技术可以实现投资收益无限逼近目标金融产品。(Classic financial engineering equivalent Copy concept, can be achieved by copying technology Investment income is now approaching the target unlimited financial products.)
    2016-01-28 11:05:31下载
  • EasyWolfeWave
    说明:  Indicator for Metatrade 4 used in Forex
    2019-06-20 23:23:09下载
  • AccountPro
    银行取款程序 两个人同时取钱程序模块化 利用睡眠 (The bank teller procedural modular using sleep withdraw money program)
    2013-04-06 23:34:53下载
  • 股票公式宝盒
    说明:  这个小程序收藏了网上公开的许多指标公式及源码,不用那么麻烦到各个网站去找了,很方便,浏览清晰,选择方便!(This small program collection of online open many index formula and source code, not so troublesome to each website to find, very convenient, browse clear, easy to choose!)
    2020-08-02 20:31:42下载
  • NezipDll
    非常好用的股票数据接口,支持目前主流的多种股软(Very easy to use interface to share data to support a variety of stock soft current mainstream)
    2011-11-05 09:55:21下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载