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于 2020-07-17 发布 文件大小:1331KB
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  SURF的实现代码,用于图像特征提取,对于入门计算机视觉的同学有帮助(SURF implementation code for image feature extraction, for beginners of computer vision students help)



0 个回复

  • Bayer2RGB
    Bayer图像格式转化为标准RGB格式 Bayer图像格式转化为标准RGB格式(Bayer image format into a standard RGB format Bayer image format into a standard RGB format)
    2020-12-12 12:19:16下载
  • SimulatedAnnealingTools
    matlab模拟退火工具箱,包含模拟退火运行所需的各种函数,是模拟退火的一个非常有力的工具。(simulated annealing Matlab toolbox contains simulated annealing operation of the various functions, Simulated Annealing is a very powerful tool.)
    2006-09-17 09:51:02下载
  • FSIM
    Zhang等人 利用相位一致性信息的特性,提出了 特征相似性方法(FSIMG) ,选取了相位一致性信息和梯度信息 作为它的两个特征,得到了较好的结果。 (A novel feature similarity (FSIM) index for full reference IQA is proposed based on the fact that human visual system (HVS) understands an image mainly according to its low-level features. Specifically, the phase congruency (PC), which is a dimensionless measure of the significance of a local structure, is used as the primary feature in FSIM. Considering that PC is contrast invariant while the contrast information does affect HVS’ perception of image quality, the image gradient magnitude (GM) is employed as the secondary feature in FSIM. PC and GM play complementary roles in characterizing the image local quality. After obtaining the local quality map, we use PC again as a weighting function to derive a single quality score. Extensive experiments performed on six benchmark IQA s demonstrate that FSIM can achieve much higher consistency with the subjective uations than state-of-the-art IQA metrics.)
    2015-09-16 19:18:45下载
  • Onvif设备搜索 示例源码
    Onvif设备搜索 示例源码
  • 小波变换
    说明:  小波变换是图像的多尺度、多分辨率分解,它可以聚焦到图像的任意细节,被称为数学上的显微镜。近年来,随着小波理论及其应用的发展,已将小波多分辨率分解用于像素级图像融合。把两个正交偏振的图片融合(Wavelet transform is the multi-scale and multi-resolution decomposition of an image. It can focus on any detail of the image and is called the mathematical microscope.In recent years, with the development of wavelet theory and its applications, wavelet multi-resolution decomposition has been applied to pixel-level image fusion)
    2020-12-14 10:40:02下载
  • BBSD
    基于区域的空间域图像融合。先对源图像作小波分解,低频分量加权平均,高频分量用模糊C均值聚类算法进行区域分割,对区域进行基于ssim值的融合,最后小波逆变换得到融合图像。(region based spatial domain method.First do the source image wavelet decomposition low frequency components weighted average of the high frequency component using Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm region segmentation of regional integration based ssim value, and finally fused image inverse wavelet transform)
    2016-05-20 16:27:11下载
  • mat2raw
    transver mat file format to raw file format, simply matlab code, usd to 3D medical image processing/data input
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  • Algorithm-template
    C++ 写的一些算法模板 ,比如Kruskal、KMP、欧几里德算法、最大匹配(匈牙利算法)、最小费用最大流、字符串的哈希方法、增广路算法、网络最大流_邻接表等……(C++ write some algorithms template, such as Kruskal, KMP, Euclid arithmetic, maximal matching (Hungary) is proposed, the minimum cost and maximum flow, string hash method, augmented road algorithm, network maximum flow _ adjlink etc......)
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  • sift
    sift图像匹配的纯matlab代码,研究图像配准的可以用这个,配准图像效果较好!!(sift pure image matching matlab code of image registration can use this, the image registration is better! !)
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  • BM3D
    BM3D图像去噪算法。当下较为先进的图像去噪算法,可以对图像进行较好的去噪。在代码中包含了彩色图像,运动图像等多种bm3d去噪。(BM3D image denoising. Present a more advanced image denoising algorithm, can be a good image denoising. Included in the code of color images, moving images, and other bm3d denoising.)
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