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  这是粒子群优化算法,用于计算数值优化问题.很好用的!(This is the particle swarm optimization algorithm, used to calculate the numerical optimization problem. Good use!)



0 个回复

  • 1111
    扩展卡尔曼滤波用于非线性系统,滤波结果较好(Extended Kalman filter for nonlinear systems, better filtering results)
    2011-05-22 22:29:52下载
  • FractionalHeatConductionToolbox
    说明:  分数阶热传导工具箱可以用于求解分数阶微分方程中的热传导过程的求解,包含解析解与数值解的求解方式,含有显式,隐式和Crank–Nicolson求解方法。(The methods of solving models of heat conduction are described, namely analytical and numerical methods. In the case of numerical methods regards the finite difference method by using GL definition for the fractional time derivative. Implementation of these individual methods was realized in MATLAB. The two libraries of m-functions for the heat conduction model have been created, namely Heat Conduction Toolbox and Fractional Heat Conduction Toolbox.)
    2021-04-25 22:48:45下载
  • work.rar
    多径信道仿真,包括波形成形,信噪比,功率普密度分析(multipath channel emulation, including waveform shape, signal to noise ratio, power density analysis Cape)
    2006-05-17 13:19:27下载
  • matlab-genetic-algorithm
    matlab用法 主要用于线性规划,非线性规划,解决优化问题,作出最合理的决策等遗传算法程序(matlab usage is mainly used for linear programming, nonlinear programming to solve optimization problems, make the most rational decision-making, genetic algorithm)
    2011-09-08 10:34:43下载
  • Behind-Two-Point-parfor_progress
    方便观察并行运算采用parfor(并行循环)时的运算进程,一个简化版的进度条,比具有GUI的进度节省不少珍贵的电脑资源。本程序根据网上parfor_progress的源程序改编而,但显示到小数点后2为的精确进度情况,比网上的灵敏度更高。(It convenience for us to observe the operation process when we use Parallel Algorithmic parfor(paralle circulation)to compute,a simplify progress bar.But saving more precious computer resource for you than GUI PROGRESS BAR. And this program is rewrite by the source program of parfor_progress in the network, more precision than the web program, advanced dispaying two digits after the decimal point. This is his advantages.Thanks!)
    2015-02-09 21:59:45下载
  • MMC-converter
    基于MMC逆变器的MATLAB的模型,初学者学习用。电力电子行业与电气工程行业学习资料。(MMC converter)
    2017-01-03 16:41:29下载
  • MOdulatorDEModulator
    自己编写的MATLAB对调制解调的仿真,适合做MATLAB的学生使用借鉴。有完整的注释,合适初学者。(Have written MATLAB simulation of the modem, suitable for the students to use MATLAB from. Complete notes, suitable for beginners.)
    2009-05-21 22:24:56下载
  • lunwen
    说明:  详细讲述leach算法,以及其缺点和基本的改进策略。 (a overall illstration of leach protocol)
    2011-03-27 10:21:51下载
  • wavelet
    小波去噪程序,包括一维的和二维的去噪程序,对程序的各部分进行了详细的注释。(Wavelet denoising procedures, including one-dimensional and two-dimensional de-noising process, the various parts of the program a detailed comment.)
    2011-10-23 12:52:43下载
  • tftb
    时频工具箱,以上给了很多函数,但常用的基本就是短时傅里叶变换STFT、Wigner-Ville分布WVD、伪Wigner-Ville分布PWVD和提取瘠ridges、得到理想时频表示tfrideal。(Time-frequency toolbox over to a lot of functions, but the basic is commonly used short-time Fourier transform STFT, Wigner-Ville distribution WVD, pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution PWVD and extraction barren ridges, when you get the ideal frequency representation tfrideal.)
    2014-05-22 21:18:44下载
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