计算EEG数据集的锁相值(PLV)。 % %输入参数: eegData是3D矩阵numChannels x numTimePoints x numTrials srate是EEG数据的采样率filtSpec是用于在期望的感兴趣频带中过滤EEG信号的滤波器规范。 它是一个具有两个字段的结构,顺序和范围。 范围指定频带的限制,例如,对于伽马频带,使用filtSpec.range = [35 45]。 在filtSpec.order中指定FIR滤波器的顺序。 一个有用的经验法则可以包括约4到5个周期的所需信号。 例如,对于以500Hz采样的eeg数据,filtSpec.order = 50对应于100ms并且包含~4个周期的γ波段(40Hz)。(Computes the Phase Locking Value (PLV) for an EEG dataset. % % Input parameters: % eegData is a 3D matrix numChannels x numTimePoints x numTrials % srate is the sampling rate of the EEG data % filtSpec is the filter specification to filter the EEG signal in the % desired frequency band of interest. It is a structure with two % fields, order and range. % Range specifies the limits of the frequency % band, for example, put filtSpec.range = [35 45] for gamma band. % Specify the order of the FIR filter in filtSpec.order. A useful % rule of thumb can be to include about 4 to 5 cycles of the desired % signal. For example, filtSpec.order = 50 for eeg data sampled at % 500 Hz corresponds to 100 ms and contains ~4 cycles of gamma band % (40 Hz).)