

于 2017-05-26 发布 文件大小:67KB
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  简单的搜索源码程序,例程结合易语言应用接口支持库,调用“打开指定网址”命令,根据网址的规则搜索。(Simple search source program , a routine application interface combined with easy language support library , call open the specified URL command , according to the rules of the search site .)



0 个回复

  • 38328
    鼠标键盘锁源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数和易语言模块模仿实现鼠标键盘锁效果。(Mouse and keyboard lock-source program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls and easy language module to mimic the effect of realization of the mouse and keyboard lock .)
    2017-02-23 17:18:42下载
  • 52887
    取网络接口信息源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数实现取系统网络接口信息。(Take network interface information source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , call the API functions take the system network interface information.)
    2017-11-09 11:23:52下载
  • 808458
    颜色调整矩阵源码,程序结合易语言模块CometGDIPlus.ec,实现通过调整颜色矩阵绘图。(Color adjustment matrix source program combined with easy language module CometGDIPlus.ec, by adjusting the color matrix drawing.)
    2017-11-17 09:27:14下载
  • 18628
    动态域名操作源码程序,结合易语言系统核心支持库,实现了能修改动态域名,静态域名,域名转向等功能。(Dynamic DNS operation source program , combined with easy language support library system kernel , can be modified to achieve a dynamic domain name , static domain names, steering and other functions.)
    2017-04-18 23:44:40下载
  • 264
    易语言即时显示桌面源码例程程序将字节集数据写到文件,调用API函数ShellExecuteA运行文件即时显示桌面。(Easy language instant display the desktop source routine procedures set of bytes of data written to a file, to call the API function ShellExecuteA run the file instantly displays the desktop.)
    2013-03-04 23:01:09下载
  • 36255
    窗口组件自绘源码程序,结合易语言特殊功能支持库,调用API函数实现窗口及组件的自绘。(Widgets painting the source program , with special features easy language support library , call the API function to achieve self- painted window and components.)
    2016-03-30 20:56:11下载
  • 34740
    批量查询天气源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和互联网支持库,读取天气预报网站的信息,从中提取相关城市的天气预报信息。(Batch check the weather source routine program expansion interface combined with easy language support library and Internet support libraries , weather forecast website reads information to extract information related to the city s weather forecast .)
    2016-05-21 15:54:57下载
  • suping
    易语言源码 刷空间日志没有密码 可用 开元 谢谢大家合作(Easy language source brush log space available without a password Kaiyuan Thank you for cooperation)
    2013-06-14 13:13:00下载
  • e-module
    自己常用的一些易语言 易模块,包括自己编的还有网络上流传的,模块加源码都有,基本应有尽有了...(Own frequently prone modules, including their series also circulating on the network, plus source code modules are, basically everything a ...)
    2013-07-30 13:57:17下载
  • 4437361
    云轩阁小说目录采集易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和正则表达式支持库,调用易语言模块实现云轩阁小说目录的采集。(Yunxuan Court fiction collection catalog easy language source code , the program expanded interface combined with easy language support library and regular expressions support the library , call the easy language module collection Yunxuan Court fiction catalog .)
    2018-05-07 19:58:06下载
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