这是一个用Matlab程序写的模拟退火算法,用于解决旅行商问题(It s a matlab code for TSP problem using SA Algorithm)
- 2009-11-07 21:50:06下载
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余弦波是渐变的,当ωt+φ的取值变化量很小时,Y的变化量也是很微小的。余弦波的这一特性保证了嵌入水印后相邻字符灰度值差别不大,人眼无法识别,从而保证了水印的不可见性和图像质量。(Cosine wave is gradual, and when ωt+ φ values variation is very small, Y amount of change is very small. Cosine waves This feature ensures that watermarked gray value of adjacent character is not very different, the human eye does not recognize, thus ensuring the invisibility of watermark and image quality.)
- 2009-11-24 16:29:52下载
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提供matlab信号处理的几个典型示例,含系统响应、傅里叶变换、滤波器设计等(signal processing examples using matlab)
- 2013-07-24 15:59:40下载
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免疫遗传算法matlab 程序,该算法由抗原识别、初始抗体产生、适应度计算、向记忆细胞分化、抗体的促进和抑制、抗体产生(交叉、变异) 六个模块组成(immune genetic algorithm Matlab procedure, the algorithm by antigen identification, initial antibody, fitness, to the memory cells, antibody for the promotion and inhibition, antibody (crossover and mutation) six modules)
- 2007-01-08 10:12:41下载
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SVM + Self organing map for data clustering
- 2013-04-16 21:55:51下载
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this program shows temperature of the initional points
- 2015-02-27 06:23:39下载
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Model of a DC-DC converter
- 2015-04-07 18:49:50下载
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[W,H] = nmf(X,K,alg,maxiter,speak)
W: output matrix
H: output matrix
X: input matrix
K: number of components
alg: algorithm to use
maxiter: maximum number of iterations
speak: print to screen
mm: Multiplicative updates method using euclidean distance measure.
cjlin: Projected gradient method
prob: Probabilistic non-negative matrix factorization.
als: Alternating least squares.
alsobs: Alternating least squares with optimal brain surgeon.
PET: NMF on a PET dataset
Text: NMF used on a three different datasets Email, medical, and CNN.
mm: Multiplicative update method using euclidean distance measure.
Described in Lee and Seung, 2001, Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13, 556-562. This algorithm is the most commonly used algorithm to solve NMF.
cjlin: Alternative non-negative least squares using projected gradients.
Author: Chih-Je)
- 2021-04-22 19:28:48下载
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MATLAB可绘制三维云图,并可对三维云图切片,并附有绘制二维云图的方法(Used for rendering 3Dcloud)
- 2020-06-30 01:40:01下载
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Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP]
Ebook- IBM Red Books
- 2010-11-17 00:54:05下载
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