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于 2016-05-02 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  off文件读取绘图函数,能读取顶点坐标和拓扑关系,并以此绘制三维模型图像,使用可以直接调用,需要注意参数的类型,只能读要取off(Off file to read the drawing function, can read the vertex coordinates and topological relations, and in order to draw the three-dimensional model images, the use of direct calls, you need to pay attention to the type of parameters, can only read to take off )





0 个回复

  • Gamma
    利用多尺度高斯函数去除场景的光照分量;然后构造了一种二维伽马函数,利用光照分量的分布特性调整二维伽马函数的参数,降低光照过强区域的亮度值,提高光照过暗区域的亮度值,最终实现对光照不均匀图像的自适应校正处理。(The multi scale Gauss function is used to remove the illumination component of the scene, and then a two-dimensional gamma function is constructed. The parameters of the two-dimensional gamma function are adjusted by the distribution characteristics of the illumination component, the brightness value of the light illuminated region is reduced and the brightness value of the light dark area is improved. Finally, the adaptive correction of the uneven illumination image is realized. Positive treatment.)
    2021-02-10 20:19:52下载
  • RandomSampleConsensus
    在逆向工程中通过测量仪器得到的产品外观表面的点数据集合也称之为点云,通常使用三维坐标测量机所得到的点数量比较少点与点的间距也比较大,叫稀疏点云;而使用三维激光扫描仪或照相式扫描仪得到的点云点数量比较大并且比较密集,叫密集点云。(Data collection point in the surface appearance of the product obtained by reverse engineering measurement instruments, also known as point clouds, usually spaced three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine number of points obtained in relatively small dots are relatively large, called sparse point cloud while the number of point cloud using the three-dimensional laser scanner or camera scanner get bigger and more intensive, called dense point clouds.)
    2015-01-02 22:57:26下载
  • Image_mosaicing
    图像拼接:实现两幅具有重叠区域的图像的拼接;使用MFC框架,内有程序使用文档(image mosaicing)
    2010-12-07 14:00:01下载
    1、对观测数据进行中心化,; 2、使它的均值为0,对数据进行白化—>Z; 3、选择需要估计的分量的个数m,设置迭代次数p<-1 4、选择一个初始权矢量(随机的W,使其维数为Z的行向量个数); 5、利用迭代W(i,p)=mean(z(i,:).*(tanh((temp) *z)))-(mean(1-(tanh((temp)) *z).^2)).*temp(i,1)来学习W (这个公式是用来逼近负熵的) 6、用对称正交法处理下W 7、归一化W(:,p)=W(:,p)/norm(W(:,p)) 8、若W不收敛,返回第5步 9、令p=p+1,若p小于等于m,返回第4步 剩下的应该都能看懂了 基本就是基于负熵最大的快速独立分量分析算法(1, on the center of the observation data, 2, making a mean of 0, the data to whitening-> Z 3, select the number of components to be estimated m, setting the number of iterations p < -1 4, select an initial weight vector (random W, so that the Z dimension of the row vectors of numbers) 5, the use of iteration W (i, p) = mean (z (i, :).* (tanh ((temp) ' * z)))- (mean (1- (tanh ((temp)) ' * z). ^ 2)).* temp (i, 1) to learn W (This formula is used to approximate the negative entropy) 6 with symmetric orthogonal treatments W 7, normalized W (:, p) = W (:, p)/norm (W (:, p)) 8, if W does not converge, return to step 5 9 , so that p = p+1, if p less than or equal m, return to step 4 should be able to read the rest of the basic is based on negative entropy of the largest fast independent component analysis algorithm)
    2013-06-27 15:39:00下载
  • 基于态学的权重自适应去噪
    说明:  图像处理案例,本程序是用matlab基于形态学的权重完成自适应图像去噪功能(Image processing case, this program is based on the weight of MATLAB morphology to complete adaptive image denoising function.)
    2021-03-25 16:37:20下载
  • Ihomomorphic
    利用同态滤波对图像增晰 是matlab对图像处理的一中有效方法(Filters with exploitation Tai wave to increase Xi to the picture)
    2012-02-24 14:48:32下载
  • lvbochaosheng
    对李纯明的DRLSE进行了改进 利用各向异性扩散提高了分割弱边缘的能力 改进的高斯滤波代替惩罚项 加快了演化速度 节省了时间(The DRLSE to LiChunMing improved using anisotropic diffusion improve the segmentation of improvement of the ability weak edge gaussian filtering instead of penalty term accelerated evolution speed save time)
    2012-07-20 11:06:03下载
  • yasuoer
    该源程序可以实现BMP图片的压缩(BMP pictures)
    2012-11-21 11:33:15下载
  • OSEM_improve
    医学图像重建算法中OSEM算法的Matlab程序(MATLAB Program of OSEM Algorithms)
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  • 分水岭算法
    Python 分水岭算法 用于图像分割等图像处理(Python watershed algorithm)
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