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  采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,双向PCS控制仿真,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。( Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Two-way PCS control simulation, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.)





0 个回复

  • ZT-Series-ZigBee
    zigbee的一些基础知识,引脚及其相关协议等(basic zigbee )
    2011-12-23 17:20:13下载
  • Smart-Antennas-For-Wireless-
    描述了智能天线在无线通信环境下的各种应用。(Describes a smart antenna in a wireless communication environment, a variety of applications.)
    2013-09-09 20:30:32下载
  • pcm
    语音编码方案的选取对移动通信系统的通话质量、信道容量等有重要影响。本文讨论了TD-SCDMA系统中AMR语音编码的自适应机制,同时分析了AMR中代数码本线性预测(ACELP)算法及实现过程。该方案可以在一块TMS320C5510上实现。(The selection of voice coding schemes for mobile communication systems the quality of the call, such as channel capacity have had a significant impact. In this paper, TD-SCDMA System AMR Adaptive speech coding mechanism, at the same time analysis of AMR in the generation of Digital Linear Prediction (ACELP) algorithm and the realization of the process. The program can be achieved in a TMS320C5510.)
    2009-04-27 22:26:09下载
  • ourdev_598464
    DMX 512协议是Digital Multiplex的缩写,是灯光行业数字化设备的通用信号控制协议,同时也是是一种国际协议。   USITT DMX512/1990是调光和灯光控制台数据传输标准,是娱乐灯光领域常用的控制协议。以前0-10V模拟控制用的比较多,现在DMX512是娱乐灯光行业最主要的控制协议。USITT DMX512/1990是由美国剧场技术协会USITT提出的。最原始的版本出版于1986年,在1990年做了修改。 (DMX 512 protocol is short for Digital Multiplex is light industry, general-purpose digital signal device control protocol, but also is an international agreement. USITT DMX512/1990 is dimming and lighting control data transmission standard, is commonly used in the field of entertainment lighting control protocol. 0-10V analog control previously used more, now is the entertainment lighting industry, the main DMX512 control protocol. USITT DMX512/1990 by the American Association of Theater Technology USITT s. The original version published in 1986, was revised in 1990.)
    2011-12-02 15:44:06下载
  • internal-staffs-learning-materials
    华为内部员工学习资料,对于想进华为的朋友会有很大帮助。(The internal staff s learning materials in huawei is more helpfull for someone who want to go huawei.)
    2012-02-17 11:43:08下载
  • hippe-vector-pattern
    vfev ve vvevfevefvevvevefve
    2018-12-17 04:06:39下载
  • FOCS
    《光通信系统》的电子文档,对于学习光纤通信的人有很大的帮助。(The optical communication system, "the electronic document, for learning optical fiber has a lot of help.)
    2011-09-20 16:41:51下载
  • jiugongwenti
    (九宫问题)在一个3×3的九宫中有1-8这8个数及一个空格随机的摆放在其中的格子里,如图1-1所示。现在要求实现这个问题:将该九宫格调整为如图1-1右图所示的形式。调整的规则是:每次只能将与空格(上、下、或左、右)相邻的一个数字平移到空格中。试编程实现这一问题的求解。((Nine-palace issues) in a 3 × 3 of the Nine-palace are 1-8 this 8 random number and the placing of a space in which the cell house, as shown in Figure 1-1. Now required to achieve this issue: the squares adjustment for the right as shown in Figure 1-1 form. Adjustment of the rules: each can only be with the spaces (upper and lower, or left, right) adjacent to a digital flat space. Test Programming to solve this problem.)
    2008-12-25 22:07:50下载
  • xijie12doc
    希捷指令集,里边详细的介绍了希捷12代的指令等。(Seagate instruction set inside a detailed introduction of 12 generations of Seagate directives.)
    2014-05-09 17:33:21下载
  • ARINC-664P1-1-2006
    ARINC-美国航空无线电通信公司(Aeronautical Radio Inc),美国军队的长期合作伙伴。ARINC664系列协议是ARINC公司负责制定的下一代航空数据网络标准。该规范分为8个部分,从不同层次对航空数据网络标准的各个方面进行了系统的定义,形成了以AFDX技术为核心的下一代航空数据网络的完整标准。(ARINC-Aeronautical Radio Inc, the U.S. military long-term partners. ARINC664 series protocol is ARINC company is responsible for the formulation of the next generation of airborne data network standard. This specification is divided into eight parts, from different levels of airborne data network standard all aspects of the definition of the system, formed the AFDX technology at the core of the next generation of airborne data network complete standard.)
    2020-07-30 22:58:38下载
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