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于 2017-05-09 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  该部分MATLAB代码是计算粒子速度分布仿真代码,并将结果进行图形化(calculate matlab code)



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  • New-Text-Document-(2)
    he form of the Burgers equation considered here is: du du d^2 u -- + u * -- = nu * ----- dt dx dx^2 for -1.0 < x < +1.0, and 0.0 < t. Initial conditions are u(x,0) = - sin(pi*x). Boundary conditions are u(-1,t) = u(+1,t) = 0. The viscosity parameter nu is taken to be 0.01 / pi, although this is not essential. The authors note an integral representation for the solution u(x,t), and present a better version of the formula that is amenable to approximation using Hermite quadrature. This program library does little more than evaluate the exact solution at a user-specified set of points, using the quadrature rule. Internally, the order of this quadrature rule is set to 8, but the user can easily modify this value if greater accuracy is desired.
    2012-04-13 12:06:48下载
  • Morl_RBF_0822A
    MATLAB做的不错的人脸识别的程序,希望大家能能受用,-color ,经测试可直接使用。 (Face recognition program MATLAB to do good, and I hope that we can be able to benefit from-color has been tested and can be used directly.)
    2012-09-30 18:09:16下载
    this is PSO algorithm code that integrated with PID controller. This code example has been used for ASP system.
    2013-12-26 10:11:20下载
  • 4Beacons-Slam_Testbed-
    基于matlab 实现的,对给定的4个路标 beacons 进行定位和绘图的SLAM仿真程序(Based on matlab to achieve, given four signs beacons for positioning and mapping SLAM simulation program)
    2014-09-26 19:33:54下载
  • hurst
    hurst指数的matlab源代码,简单实用(the hurst Index matlab source code)
    2013-03-06 15:16:40下载
  • good-code
    一些资料,可以看看,作为入门级别的普及资料吧。好东西,加油compressed sensing good code. very good document.
    2016-04-21 23:37:41下载
  • kalmanf
    This Matlab file is intended to demonstrate that the application of Kalman filters to basic linear system is quite easy and its application is optimal under certain conditions.
    2009-11-03 05:35:37下载
  • Learning
    by this code you can distinguish circle from diamond in a 4*4 table... this code is easy and understandable enjoy it...
    2010-12-26 15:28:28下载
  • the-phonetic-characteristics-of-BP-neural-network
    the phonetic characteristics of BP neural network data classification
    2014-12-01 22:56:20下载
  • Chapter3
    all of gonzalez image proccessing excercises with persian explanation
    2012-03-30 21:50:54下载
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