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  testing programnii product



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  • 第2章
    说明:  哈尔滨工业大学,visual basic,编程课件,第2章(Harbin University of Technology, Visual Basic, Programming Courseware, Chapter 1)
    2020-06-24 14:20:01下载
  • IP
    自动采集小说程序,对于建站很有帮助,试试吧(Automatic acquisition novel procedure for the Jianzhan helpful, give it a try)
    2010-06-20 20:39:13下载
  • MyMdi
    1、建立第一个视图类的基类是CEditView。 10分。 2、在第二个文档中,实现动画画图,按下鼠标并拖动时画出一个图,自己设计 一个简单的图画,使用画笔和画刷。图形5分,动态画出图10分,画笔和画 刷10分,共25分。 3、在第三个文档中,单击菜单中的编辑可以打开对话框。对话框中实现计算 总成绩,平均成绩10分。 4、在第三个文档中,单击菜单中的编辑可以打开对话框。7种控件分别存放学 生的学号、姓名、年龄、班级、成绩、住址等信息,另外设置一个显示按钮, 按下显示按钮时,每种控件的信息读取后在文档中显示出来。每种控件的应 用5分。显示10分。共35分。 5、在第三个文档中实现串行化,可以输入、保存学生信息 10分。 6、实现图形多彩化,控件多样化,设置两个基本对话框录入学生信息。5分。(1, the establishment of the first view of the base class is CEditView. 10 points. 2, in the second document, the realization of animation drawing, press the mouse and drag to draw a map of their own design A simple picture, use the brush and brush. Figure 5 points, the dynamic drawing of the figure 10 points, brush and painting Brush 10 points, a total of 25 points. 3, in the third document, click the menu editor can open the dialog box. Dialog box to achieve the calculation The total score, the average score of 10 points. 4, in the third document, click the menu editor can open the dialog box. 7 kinds of control storage Student number, name, age, class, grade, address and other information, in addition to set up a display button, When you press the display button, the information for each control is displayed in the document after reading. Each control should be With 5 points. Show 10 points. A total of 35 points. 5, in the realization of the serialization of the third docum)
    2017-04-17 21:18:56下载
  • pinlvji
    在KEIL C51平台上 用 汇编写的一段程序(主要功能是 测频率:数字频率计)(In KEIL C51 platform a program written in assembly (the main function is to measure frequency: digital frequency meter))
    2013-07-08 12:14:25下载
  • white_black_game
    经典的黑白棋游戏,采用VC编写,界面不是很好!(classic games, using VC prepared interface is not very good!)
    2006-06-11 18:20:24下载
  • 鍏冭優鑷姩鏈_cpp
    说明:  元胞自动机疏散规划。。。。。。。。。。。(Evacuation Planning of Cellular Automata)
    2019-01-28 13:34:01下载
  • Inhabitant-ADO
    本程序是小区住户管理系统,已调试通过,VS2008环境下使用ADO访问Access数据库(The program is residential tenants management system, has been through debugging, VS2008 environment to access an Access database using ADO)
    2011-11-11 13:20:03下载
  • hao
    本PPT介绍了协方差函数及其计算公式,变异函数及其计算公式,克里格插值方法的过程,最后给了一个基于克里金插值的实例.(This PPT introduces covariance function and its formula for calculating the variation function and its formula, Kriging interpolation process, and finally given an example based Kriging interpolation.)
    2009-09-24 12:02:35下载
  • WOA
    该优化算法是2016年提出的,是目前比较好的参数优化方法,这里是将其封装成一个工具的形式,方便用户的使用。(The optimization algorithm was put forward in 2016. It is a good parameter optimization method. It is encapsulated as a tool form, which is convenient for users.)
    2017-12-15 14:48:34下载
  • NURBS110707
    高速切削加工技术是一种先进的制造技术,具有强大的生命力和广阔的应 用前景,已成为切削加工的主流。数控插补技术是数控系统实现轨迹运动控制 的基础,插补运算是CNC系统软件实现运动控制的核心模块,插补算法的优劣 将直接影响到CNC系统的性能。因此,实现一种高精度和高速度的插补方法是 插补的关键所在。 本文在分析传统基准脉冲插补、数据采样插补的算法的基础上,着重研究 了三次NURBS曲线实时插补技术,针对部分算法的不完整或效率低,提出了 一种简单快捷的插补算法。采用NURBS曲线的矩阵表达式,将整个插补过程 分解为插补预处理和实时插补。在插补预处理中完成了大量的计算,预处理的 计算结果直接应用于实时插补,使插补算法满足了NURBS曲线插补的实时性 要求,再辅以必要的轮廓误差控制,实现了加工速度自适应于加工路径的 NURBS曲线直接插补。 本文讨论的插补算法采用C++语言实现,并在VC++6.0的编程环境中实现 了插补算法的计算机仿真,验证了算法的正确性和可行性。(The high speed cutting is one of advanced manufacture technique,which has the powerful vitality and the broad application,and already became the mainstream of machining.The interpolation technology of NC is the foundation of path s control in the CNC system,and the interpolation operation is the core module of CNC system software,which comes the motion control true.The interpolation algorithm,whose function is good or bad,directly influences the performance of CNC system.So,a kind of interpolation method with the high accuracy and high speed is the key of interpolation. Based on analyzing the traditional pulse interpolation and data sampling interpolation,this paper emphasizes on the NURBS curve real-time interpolation technology.In view of the partial algorithms which is incomplete and the low efficiency,this paper propose a simple and quick interpolation algorithm.Using the matrix representation of NURBS curve,the whole interpolation process is divided into appropriate pretreat)
    2011-07-07 11:46:17下载
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