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于 2016-04-22 发布 文件大小:149KB
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  ajax n级联动数据库版(带后台和省市县数据库)utf-8编码 演示中使用的数据库为省、市、县三级数据库 演示程序实现了省、市、县三级联动(ajax技术) firste_data文件夹中#firste_city.mdb为省、市、县数据库,#firste_city_1.mdb为空数据库,可以通过后台管理数据库中的内容。(ajax n-level interaction version (with the background and the provincial cities and counties ) utf-8 encoding Demo used in the provincial, municipal, and county s Demo program to achieve the provincial, city and county three linkage (ajax technology) firste_data folder# firste_city.mdb provincial, city and county s,# firste_city_1.mdb empty , you can manage the background contents of the .)


ajax n级联动数据库版(带后台和省市县数据库)



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