首页 » Python » DALI8.26


于 2017-05-05 发布 文件大小:3700KB
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  DALI智能照明系统实现的主要功能是用户可通过智能手机或电脑等,以无线或有线的方式对房内的所有灯光进行单独或者组合控制。主控单元负责协议转换,并且需要记住最近或者常用的场景控制状态,实时地控制每一个从节点。DALI主机可以查找所有的DALI下位机位置并分配相应地址和进行相应控制。 主要功能如下: 1)以安卓智能手机为操作平台对灯具进行单灯控制或分场景进行控制; 2)以平板或PC为操作工具,对系统内的所有灯具进行场景编辑; 3)通过软件对系统内的灯具地址进行自动分配; 4)支持数据的实时存储及掉电存储功能; 5)支持主控器与PC之间的一键上传及下载功能; 6)支持一个系统多个主机; 7)通过家庭路由可实现WIFI全覆盖功能; 8)可通过控制面板对灯具进行控制,同时控制面板的控制指令可编辑。 (The main function of the DALI intelligent lighting system is that the user can control all the lights in the room in a wireless or wired way through a smart phone or a computer. The main control unit is responsible for protocol conversion, and needs to remember the most recent or commonly used control state of the scene. DALI host can find all of the DALI lower position and assign the corresponding address and corresponding control. The main functions are as follows: 1) use Android smart phone as the operating platform to control the single lamp or the scene of the lamp 2) use the flat plate or PC as the operating tool to edit all the lamps in the system 3) through the software of the system within the address of the automatic distribution 4) to support real-time data storage and power down storage function 5) to support the host controller and the PC between a key upload and download function 6) support for multiple hosts in a system 7 through the home routing can achiev)


........\DALI(冲突时的文件备份2015-07-20 08-30-22).uvopt,20050,2015-08-23
........\DALI(冲突时的文件备份2015-07-20 09-11-27).uvopt,21098,2015-08-23
........\DALI.uvgui(冲突时的文件备份2015-07-20 08-30-22).Administrator,154360,2015-08-23
........\DALI.uvgui(冲突时的文件备份2015-07-20 09-11-27).Administrator,158086,2015-08-23
........\DALI_Target 1.dep,28770,2015-08-31
........\JLink Regs CM3.txt,497,2015-08-31



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