首页 » PHP-PERL » UCenter_Home_SC_GBK


于 2016-04-21 发布 文件大小:1256KB
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  UCenter Home 强调“家”的理念,充分认可每一个站点用户的个人隐私重要性。提供强大丰富的隐私设置功能。每一个人都有权限设置自己的个人主页、资料、日志、相册等是否公开、或只好友可看、或指定特别好友可看、或仅自己可看、或者需要输入密码才可看;并可完全控制将自己的哪些动作可以产生动态推送到好友面前。 (Home UCenter stressed the concept of home , fully recognized the importance of the individual privacy of each site users. Provide a powerful and rich set of privacy features. Everyone has permission to set up their own personal home page, data, log, albums and publicity, or only friends can see, or designated special friends can see, or only yourself can be seen, or need to enter a password to see and totally in control of yourself what action can produce dynamic pushed to the front of your friends.)



0 个回复

  • phpmobilizer_srumq5
    2013-09-17 22:27:33下载
  • 114la_GBK_V1.15_20110803
    修正城市导航没有城市数据默认显示"北京"城市,在个别浏览器空白的情况 更新天气预报组件的api,修正无法读取天气的错误 更新模板js 文件,原115搜索修改为116搜索 修正部分BUG(Fixed city navigation no city data show the default "Beijing" city, in some blank browser Update of weather forecast component API, fixed unable to read the weather mistake Updated template js file, the original 115 search modification for 116 search Fixed BUG part )
    2012-01-08 10:49:08下载
  • phpyun_rencai_gbk_1.3.BETA2
    适合做毕业设计的学生看,用php做的一些简单网站(Do graduate design students to see, do some simple website using php)
    2013-02-11 19:42:40下载
  • XS
    CMS php source XS http://sfvn.org
    2014-02-17 16:53:03下载
  • tpage.class
    php分页类 基本能进行所有的分页设计 还能使用图片 直接传递图片地址即可使用 很好用(php paging class to make all the pages of basic design can use a picture you can use direct transmission of images, good use of the address)
    2011-06-01 00:05:32下载
  • phpext_ktxwfl
    php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的整站栏目,Willow后台管理系统 v1.0,Willow通用后台管理系统能为大部分的网站(无分类型)生成后台。主要为用户和权限管理。权限管理以组策略模式,为组分配权限,为用户分配组。,简单全面供给各类学习参考(php source code to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php whole station part , Willow background management system v1.0, Willow general background management system for most of the site ( no categorical ) generate background .)
    2013-09-21 20:46:11下载
  • faisunsql_v40
    MYSQL全系列自导入数据库备份程序 v1.0,php编程学习源码,web网页制作参考资料。(A full range of MYSQL into the database since the backup program v1.0, PHP learning programming source code, web Webpage production of reference materials.)
    2013-12-24 12:27:15下载
  • duoudofanli
    上传好后直接运行网址即可,包里含有说明,多多返利淘宝客破解版,去除授权,无域名限制(Upload url can be run directly after, the bag containing instructions, many rebate taobao guest cracked versions, remove authorization, no domain limit )
    2020-11-08 15:50:13下载
  • webgame_dxcys
    一款运行于PHP环境的网页游戏地下城与勇士源码,非模拟器,只要你有PHP环境就可以运行。游戏后台管理:admin;可能部分功能还只是基础功能,像地图数据、怪物数据都很少,游戏中的人物技能也只是比较基础的技术,游戏还在完善中。(A run on PHP environment web game DNF source, non-simulator, as long as you have a PHP environment you can run. Game Management: admin may be some features just basic functions, such as map data, the data are rarely monsters, characters in the game is only relatively skill-based technology, the game is perfected.)
    2020-11-17 16:49:39下载
  • FollowMyFollowers
    teste pra ver se eu posso baixar isso
    2017-10-15 01:28:27下载
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