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于 2017-05-04 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  Snake game is a very popular game.kids love it.



0 个回复

  • betterCards
    简单的扑克牌游戏代码。只作为学习参考使用,请不要用于商业用途。(simple card games code. Only use as a study reference, please do not for commercial purposes.)
    2007-05-17 23:58:21下载
  • 2166e302b7491156ad4900ba2a3d1620
    改魔兽地图的如侵犯别人的版权请通知我我立即删掉着个东西(Changes, such as World of Warcraft Maps copyright infringement, please inform me of others I immediately deleted the one thing)
    2011-05-23 22:27:56下载
  • shoot-game
    类似CS的射击雏形游戏,已经实现了一个玩真的框架,自己可以再丰富其中的功能(Similar to the CS firing prototype game, has a play is really the framework, they can enrich one of the function)
    2012-05-30 10:18:36下载
  • 20081122805172
    教你如何编写游戏中计算机控制的角色 资源类别: VB源码¦游戏 (Teach you how to write computer games in the role of resource control type: VB source ¦ Games)
    2010-07-07 19:04:50下载
  • SC2H
    Super easy game code, so you game Shuangwai
    2014-01-27 20:06:40下载
  • tetris3
    C++控制台俄罗斯方块带源代码,界面美观,Visual C++ 6.0编译。(Cpp Console Tetris)
    2015-07-17 19:35:44下载
  • tanchishe1.2
    贪吃蛇小游戏,用C语言编写,简单有趣 (simple game)
    2012-08-16 12:54:59下载
  • 3D_RPG_sbns
    如果只是执行EXE文件,只要电脑安装了Direct X9.0就行了, 一般电脑在装操作系统时有默认安装这个的! ------------------------------------------------------- 如果是要编译游戏源程序,需要安装VC++ 6.0和DirectX 9.0b或以上的版本! 游戏名称:孙膑问世 游戏内容: 本游戏改编自36集大集古装电视连续剧《孙子兵法与三十六计》 游戏类型:3D RPG游戏 游戏剧情:目前只有初期剧情,大约30分钟 出现的主要人物有:孙膑(初始名为:孙宾)、鬼谷子、庞涓、钟离春 出现的NPC有:山药夫、武防店主、柴夫、猎人 出现了3个场景,分别是:鬼谷山顶、鬼谷半山腰(鬼谷子住处)、鬼谷山脚下(if only to implement EXE file, if the computer installed Direct X9.0 on the trip, In general computer operating systems installed by default when you install this!------------------------------- If the game is to compile source files, need to install VC 6.0 and DirectX 9.0b or more versions! Name of the game : Sun Bin advent of the game : Adapted from the game 36 sets great costume collection television series, "Art of War, and thirty-six stratagems" game types : 3D RPG game storyline games : at present only the initial story appeared about 30 minutes, the main characters are : Sun Bin (initial entitled : Bin Sun), Guiguzi, Pang Juan Zhong Li-chun of NPC : Yam said that the armed defense of shopkeepers, Cifu. Hunter appeared three scenes are : Guiguzi Pe)
    2020-07-04 23:40:02下载
  • chess
    局域网内的五子棋游戏,WIN32编程,可以很好的学习windows消息机制(Backgammon games, WIN32 programming LAN can be a good learning windows message mechanism)
    2015-06-24 15:52:06下载
  • GameOfLife
    汉化版的“生命游戏”程序,可以演示生命的生成和消亡过程!(Game Of Live!)
    2011-11-15 19:15:57下载
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