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于 2021-04-23 发布 文件大小:42KB
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  在ABAQUS中,进行CZM模型的子程序开发,模拟复合材料的分层脱离(In ABAQUS, the CZM model subroutine is developed to simulate the layered separation of composite materials.)


czm-uel\adapt_integrate.f, 13838 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_integrate_f.f, 14008 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_integrate_s.f, 13806 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_integrate_vars.f, 3341 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_query.f, 862 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_query_bilinear.f, 2597 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\adapt_query_chaboche.f, 5815 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\chaboche_lambda_region.f, 699 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_dFdlambda_F_bilinear.f, 520 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_dFdlambda_F_chaboche.f, 431 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_dlambda_F_dnu.f, 565 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_F_lambda_bilinear.f, 483 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_F_lambda_chaboche.f, 371 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\compute_lambda.f, 315 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\COPYING, 1308 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\element_info.f, 3706 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\INT1_coord_transform.f, 10943 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\INT1_interface_dtdu.f, 755 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\INT1_interface_t.f, 676 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\INT1_transform_element_to_global.f, 386 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\INT1_transform_global_to_element.f, 540 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrand_f.f, 444 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrand_s.f, 402 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrand_vars_f.f, 210 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrand_vars_s.f, 211 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrate_f.f, 6902 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integrate_s.f, 7853 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\integration_points.f, 6578 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\interface_dtdu_bilinear.f, 2795 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\interface_dtdu_chaboche.f, 2798 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\interface_t_bilinear.f, 2023 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\interface_t_chaboche.f, 2276 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\mass_matrix.f, 687 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\matrix_mult.f, 345 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\residual_vector.f, 1082 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\stiffness_matrix.f, 948 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\uel_interface.f, 6897 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\user_element_f.f, 4753 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\user_element_results.f, 9649 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\user_e_c3d.f, 12553 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\user_e_c3d_f.f, 4745 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\_adapt_integrate_f.f, 2324 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel\_adapt_integrate_s.f, 2073 , 2008-04-23
czm-uel, 0 , 2008-04-23



0 个回复

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