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于 2017-04-26 发布 文件大小:1324KB
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  java调用海康刷卡、读卡示例,加载dll(java for haikang demo,load dll)





0 个回复

  • Exercise4
    ssd8Exercise4上机作业,代码高效正确,可运行且有说明文档。(ssd8Exercise4 machine operation, efficient code correctly, you can run and there is documentation.)
    2013-09-24 20:35:51下载
  • Java 8实战
    全书分四个部分:基础知识、函数式数据处理、高效Java 8 编程和超越Java 8。(The book is divided into four parts: basic knowledge, functional data processing, efficient Java 8 programming and beyond Java 8.)
    2020-06-19 02:00:01下载
  • 0610qizhi
    个人求职管理系统(personal job management system)
    2005-01-07 15:45:37下载
  • ShoppingSystem
    用MFC写的商品管理系统,功能完善,可以增加删除查询修改以及统计商品信息(Written with MFC merchandise management system fully functional, you can add delete modify the query and statistical information goods)
    2014-12-02 16:38:31下载
    要求设计一个SP00LING输出进程和两个请求输出的用户进程,以及一个SP00LING输出服务程序。当请求输出的用户进程希望输出一系列信息时,调用输出服务程序,由输出服务程序将该信息送入输出井。待遇到一个输出结束标志时,表示进程该次的输出文件输出结束。之后,申请一个输出请求块(用来记录请求输出的用户进程的名字、信息在输出井中的位置、要输出信息的长度等),等待SP00LING进程进行输出。 SP00LING输出进程工作时,根据请求块记录的各进程要输出的信息,将其实际输出到打印机或显示器。这里,SP00LING输出进程与请求输出的用户进程可并发运行。 (Asked to design a user process SP00LING request output and two output processes, and outputs a SP00LING service program. When users want to process requests output output range information, call the output service program, service program by the output information into the output shaft. Treatment to an output end of the flag, which means that the process of the second output file output end. Thereafter, the application of an output request block (name of the user to record the output of the process request, the information on the position of the output well, and length information to be outputted), the process waits SP00LING output. When SP00LING output process work, information requested under each process block records to be output, its actual output to a printer or monitor. Here, the user process and the output process SP00LING request output can be run concurrently.)
    2014-01-08 13:36:02下载
  • ClassMemeberPriviledge
    实现一个程序,对用户输入的类权限、成员权限、以及使用该类对象的环境与这个类的关系,判断这个环境中能不能访问这个类的这个成员。 4. 背景知识介绍:对类成员的访问权限由3个方面决定:(1)类的访问权限(public或default),(2)成员变量的访问权限(public, protected, default或private),以及环境与类的相互关系(同类SameClass,同包不同类SamePackageNoteSameClass,不同包但为子类OtherPackageSubClass,不同包非子类OtherPackageNotSubClass)。例如,如果一个类A是public的,它的一个成员变量x是protected的,则这个成员变量的访问权限是default的,试图访问这个类的一个运行环境与A的关系是OtherPackageSubClass,则这个环境中能够访问变量x。(Implement a program, the relationship between the classes of permissions, user input member permissions, as well as the environment of use of such objects of this class, it is judged in this environment can not access this members of this class. 4. Background knowledge: the access rights of the class members decided by three aspects: (1) access rights (public or default), (2) the member variable access rights (public, protected, default or private), as well as environmental and the relationship of the class (of similar SameClass, same package different classes SamePackageNoteSameClass, different packages, but for subclass OtherPackageSubClass, different package non-subclass OtherPackageNotSubClass). For example, if a class A is public, it s a member variable x is protected, the access rights of the member variables is default, tries to access a runtime environment for this class A relationship is OtherPackageSubClass this environment be able to access the variable x.)
    2013-04-01 20:00:25下载
  • ppt
    这是一个用来用手机操控电脑上的ppt的一个源码,挺有意思的,可以用来做参考(thiao this is a android ffio fjdiofj fjia ofji afjifjidjifiroagjiorajpo)
    2015-05-05 15:41:18下载
  • Artificialntel
    说明:  An Artificial Intelligence Program in Java
    2019-03-17 18:08:12下载
  • wuziqi
    java实现控制台五子棋,人以x,y的方式输入,电脑随机下棋。(java realize console backgammon, people with x, y way input, computer random chess.)
    2015-06-19 07:09:47下载
  • ListTouchBottomGravityManyTest
    Touch tests for a list where all of the items do not fit on the screen, and the list stacks from the bottom.
    2014-02-27 13:40:15下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104582会员总数
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