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于 2017-04-25 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  分数阶傅里叶变换计算方面,线性调频脉冲压缩的Matlab程序,包含收发两个客户端程序。( Fractional Fourier transform computing, LFM pulse compression of the Matlab program, Transceiver contains two client programs.)



0 个回复

  • achieve
    通过编写C语言,在MATLAB上实现路由器仿真,实现路由器的功能。(Written by C language, simulation on MATLAB implementation routers, realize the function of the router. )
    2013-10-30 23:27:56下载
  • 789020plc_1
    c语言和matlab互调 c语言和matlab互调 (c language and intermodulation c Matlab language and intermodulation c Matlab and Matlab language intermodulation c Matlab language and intermodulation)
    2007-02-09 09:40:30下载
  • 22
    说明:  语音识别关键性技术的MATLAB仿真实现.pdf(Voice recognition key technologies MATLAB simulation. Pdf)
    2013-01-03 12:19:58下载
    可以去除脑电中的50Hz工频干扰,同时可以剔除部分生理伪迹,如眼电、肌电伪迹。( can be removed the 50Hz frequency interference of EEG, and can eliminate part of the physiological artifacts such as EOG, EMG.)
    2015-10-14 19:18:39下载
  • MATLABmusic3
    matlab演奏《最炫民族风》音乐的程序代码3(matlab music code3)
    2012-08-11 15:52:14下载
  • gomory
    割平面在MATLAB里的程序,很好用,希望和大家分享(Cutting plane in the MATLAB program, useful, and would like to share)
    2012-05-30 00:02:56下载
  • 卡尔曼滤波仿真序用于匀速运动的目标跟踪
    基于匀速直线运动下 进行卡尔曼滤波程序,包括仿真等,(Based on uniform linear motion under the Calman filtering procedures)
    2017-08-03 17:12:30下载
  • houghbianhuan
    hough变换,matlab编程。Hough变换是一种使用表决原理的参数估计技术。其原理是利用图像空间和Hough参数空间的点-线对偶性,把图像空间中的检测问题转换到参数空间。通过在参数空间里进行简单的累加统计,然后在Hough参数空间寻找累加器峰值的方法检测直线。(hough transform, matlab programming. Hough transform is a vote on the principle of using a parameter estimation techniques. The principle is the point of the image space using the Hough parameter space and line- duality converting the detection problem in the image space to the parameter space. By a simple statistical accumulated in the parameter space, and then in the Hough parameter space to find a method of detecting the peak accumulator line.)
    2014-08-27 10:37:38下载
  • SCM
    通过设置不同的参数利用Matlab软件仿真了不同场景下的系统性能 (This document suggests a user’s guide to a MATLAB application which simulates a Spatial Channel Model (SCM) based on reference [1] with some minor adjustments. It focuses on how to use the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and the functions of the application and avoids going into specifics about the nature of the parameters as this is done analytically in the reference document)
    2013-09-05 15:03:49下载
  • Matlabrule
    用matlab编程求解无约束优化问题、线性规划问题即在一组线性不等式或等式组的约束条件下求某个线性函数的最值问题(Matlab programming for solving unconstrained optimization problems, linear programming problems that most value problem for a linear function under the constraints of a set of linear inequalities or equations group)
    2014-02-17 23:11:42下载
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