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于 2019-03-28 发布 文件大小:77KB
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  用DFT 函数计算电压u, 电流i的基波(f1=50 Hz)的有效值和相位; 用FFT函数分别计算电压u和电流i 所包含的直流,基波和谐波的有效值和初相角; 可计算基波(f1=50 Hz)和各次谐波的功率p和功率因数con?.(The effective value and phase of fundamental wave (f1 = 50 Hz) of voltage U and current I are calculated by DFT function. The effective values and initial phase angles of DC, fundamental and harmonic waves contained in voltage U and current I are calculated by FFT function, respectively. The power P and power factor con of fundamental wave (f1 = 50 Hz) and harmonics can be calculated.)


fft作业\in.mat, 1219 , 2019-03-20
fft作业\un.mat, 1165 , 2019-03-20
fft作业\un1.m, 852 , 2019-03-20
fft作业\un2.m, 633 , 2019-03-20
fft作业\un3.m, 514 , 2019-03-20
fft作业\补充习题一.docx, 104366 , 2019-03-20
fft作业, 0 , 2019-03-28



0 个回复

  • 2DAcoustic
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