数字控制系统是一种以数字计算机为控制器去控制具有连续工作状态的被控对象的闭环控制系统。因此,数字控制系统包括工作于离散状态下的数字计算机和工作于连续状态下的被控对象两大部分。我的课题的数字部分(PID)仿真由相应的离散传函实现,运用数字PID对被控对象实行准确控制。通过调节比例(P)、积分(I)、微分(D),使对象的输出达到预期的效果。(Digital control system is a kind of digital computer for the controller to control a continuous state of the object and closed loop control system. Therefore, the digital control system, including work on the discrete state of the digital computer and work in a continuous state of the plant is two parts. My topic of digital section (PID) simulation by the realization of the corresponding discrete transfer function using the digital PID control of the plant is implemented accurately. By adjusting the ratio of (P), integral (I), differential (D), so that the output of the object to achieve the desired results.)