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于 2021-05-07 发布 文件大小:1512KB
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  代码附后 本设计结合 PCM 的抽样、量化、编码原理,利用 MATLAB 软件编程和绘图功能,完 成了对脉冲编码调制(PCM)系统的建模与仿真分析。课题中主要分为三部分对脉冲编码 调制(PCM)系统原理进行建模与仿真分析,分别为采样、量化和编码原理的建模仿真。 同时仿真分析了采样与欠采样的波形、均匀量化与 A 律 13 折线非均匀量化的量化性能及 其差异。通过对脉冲编码调制(PCM)系统原理的仿真分析,设计者对 PCM 原理及性能 有了更深刻的认识,并进一步掌握 MATLAB 软件的使用。 (This design combined with PCM sampling, quantization, coding theory, using MATLAB software programming and graphics capabilities, completed the pulse code modulation Modeling and Simulation (PCM) System. The issue is divided into three portions of pulse code modulation (PCM) system principle of modeling and simulation analysis, namely sampling, modeling and simulation quantization and coding principles. While the simulation waveform sampling and undersampling, uniform quantization and A-law 13 fold non-uniform performance and the quantized difference. By pulse code modulation (PCM) system principle of simulation analysis, the designer of the PCM principles and performance of a deeper understanding and further master the use of MATLAB software. )



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