在移动数据通信系统信号经传播媒介到达接收端会发生畸变,现行的通信系统普遍采用 自适应均衡技术来克服ISI和多普勒扩展。自适应均衡技术需要重复发送已知的训练序列直至 有效均衡为止I。“盲均衡(Blind Equalization,BE)111”技术仅利用接收序列本身的相关性便可 均衡信道特性。(Signal in the mobile data communication systems to reach the receiver via the mass media distortion occurs, the existing communication systems are generally adaptive equalization to overcome ISI and Doppler spread. Adaptive equalization techniques need to send a known training sequence repeated until an effective balance date I. " Blind equalization (Blind Equalization, BE) 111" technology is only used to receive serial correlation in itself can be balanced channel characteristics.)