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于 2019-03-18 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  脉冲压缩技术是匹配滤波理论和相关接收理论的一个很好的实际应用。它的提出很好的解决了这样的一个问题:在发射端发射大时宽、带宽信号,以提高信号的速度测量精度和速度分辨力,而在接收端,将宽脉冲信号压缩为窄脉冲,以提高雷达对目标的距离分辨精度和距离分辨力(Pulse compression technology is a good practical application of matched filtering theory and related receiving theory. It solves such a problem very well: transmitting large time-width and bandwidth signals at the transmitter to improve the speed measurement accuracy and speed resolution of the signal, and compressing the wide pulse signal into narrow pulse at the receiver to improve the range resolution accuracy and range resolution of radar to target.)


第一次作业_脉冲压缩\my_compress.m, 2930 , 2018-06-14
第一次作业_脉冲压缩, 0 , 2018-12-06



0 个回复

  • mesh_simplification
    网格简化, 将复杂的带有很多细节的物体的三维立体网格进行任意比例的简化,使得其减少点和面片的数量并保持物体的基本特征,以达到加快图像显示及压缩文件的效果。(Mesh simplification, the complex three-dimensional grid with many of the details of the object simplified in any proportion, such that it reduce the number of points and surfaces of the sheet and keep the basic characteristics of the object, in order to achieve the speed up of the image display and the effect of the compressed file .)
    2014-12-21 14:36:07下载
  • 123
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    2014-04-23 15:03:41下载
  • jibencaozuo
    这是运用matlab进行图像处理时会遇到的基本操作,包括图像的代数运算、几何运算、空间变换、区域操作等(This is for image processing using matlab will encounter the basic operations, including images of algebra, geometry operations, space transformation, regional operations, etc.)
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  • Azi_sim
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