首页 » matlab » 计算单模光纤超连续谱程序


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  计算单模光纤超连续谱程序,考虑色散、非线性、自陡峭、拉曼效应。(Supercontinuous Spectrum of Single-mode Fiber Nonlinear dispersion)


超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\Copy_of_msf_soliton_v5.asv, 5478 , 2011-07-30
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\Copy_of_msf_soliton_v5.m, 5474 , 2011-08-01
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\dop.m, 334 , 2010-09-09
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\generate_pulse.m, 1775 , 2010-05-24
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\hR_t.m, 221 , 2010-03-17
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\msf_soliton_v5.m, 5509 , 2011-06-26
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\nop.m, 2745 , 2010-09-16
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\sech_et.m, 343 , 2010-08-12
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\shaper.m, 726 , 2010-05-24
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\Spectral_Compress.m, 2969 , 2011-07-30
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\ssfm.m, 2208 , 2010-09-19
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\复件 dop.m, 334 , 2010-09-09
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法\复件 generate_pulse.m, 1775 , 2011-11-30
超连续谱-分布傅里叶方法, 0 , 2011-11-30



0 个回复

  • Kruskal
    kruskal 算法的c++实现,你可以很好的使用,数据结构的只是看它(kruskal it maybe useful to,you can see it)
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  • lianxuchaoliu
    连续潮流:又称为延拓潮流,是电力系统电压稳定性分析的有力工具,它通过在常规潮流基础上引入一个负荷增长系数来克服雅可比矩阵奇异,从而克服接近稳定极限运行状态时的收敛问题,解决了常规潮流在崩溃点外无解和在崩溃点附近不能可靠收敛的问题。连续潮流法是从初始稳定工作点开始,随着负荷缓慢变化,沿相应的PV曲线对下一工作点进行预估、校正,直至勾勒出完整的PV曲线。(Continuous flow: also known as the continuation of the trend, is a powerful tool for voltage stability analysis of power system, by introducing a load growth coefficient to overcome Jacobi singular in the conventional power flow basis, so as to overcome the convergence problem near the stability limit of the running state, to solve the conventional power flow solution and in near collapse point reliable convergence problem in the collapse point. The continuation power flow method starts with the initial stable working point. With the slow load change, it predicts and corrections the next working point along the corresponding PV curve until the complete PV curve is outlined.)
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  • WZX - 环岛 - 电磁
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