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HiSilicon PQ Tools User Guide

于 2020-06-28 发布 文件大小:4885KB
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  User manual of HiSilicon PQTools Utility V1.0.7.0


HiSilicon PQ Tools User Guide.pdf, 5977087 , 2016-11-29



0 个回复

  • svd_lmmse
    OFDM系统中基于奇异值分解降秩的MMSE信道估计算法,非常经典(OFDM channel estimation by singular value decomposition.pdf)
    2010-03-12 13:56:33下载
    about mathematics calculator project
    2015-12-26 05:12:12下载
  • RumorSpreading
    关于谣言传播的一些经典论文,附带上论文中的算法程序,对研究谣言传播具有很大的帮助作用。( Some of the classic rumors on the dissemination of papers, with the algorithm on the paper program, the study of rumor spread a great help.)
    2020-12-14 12:09:15下载
  • reduce-noise
    guideline design PCB layout to reduce noise
    2012-01-31 16:01:15下载
  • ss-agp1
    Signals and Systems. Winter 09
    2012-01-31 16:16:50下载
  • GetData2.20
    论文写作中最好的画图软件 解压后,先安装软件,结束时不要直接启动软件,先用破解过的2个exe文件替换安装目录的同名文件,再双击reg文件进行注册即可。(The best essay writing drawing software After decompression, install the software, do not start the software directly to the end, the first two with a cracked exe file to replace the installation directory of the same file, and then double-click the reg file to be registered.)
    2014-06-27 23:51:24下载
  • tessendorf
    osgocean的经典论文,讲了光照的折射反射,海浪频谱以及水下的光照问题等。(osgocean classic paper, about the reflection of light refraction, the wave spectrum and underwater lighting problems.)
    2013-12-18 11:25:02下载
  • AGV-zongshu
    AGV各种综述性论文,包括各种导引方式,激光导引,超声波导引等固定路径和非固定路径导引(AGV variety of review papers, including a variety of guidance, laser guidance, such as ultrasonic guidance fixed path and a fixed route guidance)
    2015-12-22 14:38:52下载
  • inventer_8_26
    该程序是我硕士毕业论文《单相并网逆变器》源程序,调试成功的。(直流直接逆变为交流的单相全桥逆变拓扑,有离网并网功能,锁相环过零检测再采用PI.)(This program is my master' s thesis, " single-phase grid-connected inverters," the source, debugging success. (DC-AC inverter direct single-phase full-bridge inverter topology, there are off-grid and network functions, PLL zero crossing detection and then using PI.))
    2015-01-24 17:36:25下载
  • NetRecorderDOC
    网络录音盒系列资料之一:网络录音盒实现文档。本文档系本人毕业设计的论文部分,详细的介绍了一种嵌入式网络录音盒的设计与实现。所谓网络录音盒是指一种可以通过网络向远程的计算机提供录音盒所在位置的监听以及录音功能的网络设备。本人已经上传了录音盒相关的所有资料,为了方便用户选择自己所需的内容,本人将所有资料分为三部分上传:1、文档;2、源码;3、测试过程。(network data recording boxes series one : Network box on document recording. This document is designed my graduation thesis, a detailed introduction of a sound recording box Embedded Network Design and Implementation. The so-called network recording box refers to a network through a remote computer to the provision of recording the location of the box and recording wiretapping functional network equipment. I have uploaded the recording box all the related information, in order to facilitate the user to choose the content they need, I will be all the information is divided into three parts Upload : 1, the document; 2, the source; 3, the testing process.)
    2007-01-31 10:15:40下载
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