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  学生作业管理系统主要提供网上的作业管理平台,主要分为管理员、教师、学生三个部分的功能(Student job management system)





0 个回复

  • shijuanshengcheng
    试卷生成系统,可自动生成,删除,查找,手动组卷等等(Paper Generation System can automatically generate, delete, search, manual test paper, etc.)
    2013-12-22 16:11:18下载
  • 7384chengjichaxun
    7384学生成绩查询系统手机版是一个最简单却又最非常实用的查询系统。维护简单,无需登录后台一条信息一条信息的添加成绩,只要维护好你的TXT数据库即可。(7384 student achievement Inquiry System Mobile is one of the most simple yet most useful query system. Maintenance is simple, without having to sign a piece of information to add background information on the results, as long as you maintain a good to TXT. )
    2016-05-21 11:54:58下载
  • studentsmanagementsystem
    高校开发一学生课绩管理系统,该系统由登陆模块,学生模块,教师模块,管理员模块,四部分组成。其功能如下: 学生登陆以后,可以选报课程。系统会根据学生所在系及课程的预修课判断(课程有系别,预修课等属性)。教师在本系统中拥有是否接受学生所选课程,以及给学生打分的权力,只有先接受学生,才能给该生打分。管理员在本系统中有着最高的权力,包括新增,更改,删除学生,教师,课程以及班级。(Colleges and universities where students develop a performance management system, which from the landing module, student module, teacher module, the administrator module, the four components. Its functions are as follows: students landing after the report can choose courses. System where the student system and the curriculum taught in pre-judgment (courses in other departments, pre-taught, etc. properties). Teachers in this system has a choice whether to accept students in courses, as well as to students scoring power, and only accept students in order to give the student scoring. Administrators in this system have the highest powers, including add, change, delete students, teachers, courses and classes.)
    2009-12-16 13:07:11下载
  • pjv2.0
    教师评价系统,可以让你方便的评价教师的上课行为和表现,更好地促进教师的教学!(Teacher evaluation system that allows easy assessment of your teachers in school behavior and performance, to better promote the teachers!)
    2010-05-08 13:00:14下载
  • kaoshixitong
    在线考试系统,已经实现计时.计分.加载考题等功能(Online examination system has time to achieve. Scoring load exam functions)
    2013-03-21 10:47:30下载
  • link
    嵌入式的学生成绩管理系统 可以增 删 改 查信息 (Embedded student achievement management system)
    2010-06-16 10:21:28下载
  • student
    学生信息管理系统,使用c开发,简单实例,其中包含了说明文件( U5B6 u5B3 u5B09 u5B03 u5L0 U660E u6587 u4EF6)
    2017-05-26 17:09:04下载
  • achievement-management-system
    本系统从功能上划分可分为以下几大模块:功能模块管理,组权限管理,学生信息管理,课程信息管理,学生成绩管理,授课信息管理,学生信息查询,学生成绩统计等几大模块。以下将对各子模块进行说明。 功能模块管理:将系统功能模块保存到数据库中以便于动态地进行不同用户组权限的分配等操作。本模块包括功能模块的添加,删除,修改等。 组权限管理:对用户进行分组,并将权限设置到不同的用户组。 学生信息管理模块:输入学生基本信息,并可以对学生信息进行添加、查询、修改、删除。还可以关键字查询并从数据库里调出的学生基本信息.输出学生基本信息,学号、班号、姓名查询的信息结果。 课程信息管理:设置课程号,课程名,先修课等课程信息。 成绩信息管理模块:输入成绩信息,并可以对成绩信息进行添加、查询、修改、删除。还可以用关键字查询并调出数据库里的学生基本成绩信息的修改、删除等。输出查询的学生成绩信息。 授课信息管理:对教师授课信息的调度,安排等信息的管理。 学生信息查询:本模块是可对学生成绩进行查询,可按学号,姓名,年龄,所在院系,入学年份等不同条件独立查询或进行模糊查询。 学生成绩统计:对学生成绩总分,平均分等进行统计。(The system functions can be divided into several modules of the following major modules: the management of functional modules, groups, rights management, student information management, curriculum management, student performance management, teaching information management, student inquiries, student achievement statistics, etc.. The following will be the sub-module for instructions. Management of functional modules: the system function module is saved to the database in order to facilitate dynamic allocation of operations of different user group permissions. This module includes the function module to add, delete, modify. Group rights management: the user group and permission settings to different groups of users.           Student information management module: Enter the students basic information, and student information to add, query, modify, delete. Can also be a keyword query and bring up the students basic information from the database. Output student, st)
    2012-07-03 08:55:56下载
  • 228-linshaoquan
    VFP的简单设计,班级学生管理系统,好看又好用(VFP simple design,Class management system,good and beautiful )
    2012-12-19 10:04:22下载
  • student_management
    一个学生信息管理的小系统,可以增加记录,查找记录,可以将数据导出到制定文件(student information management)
    2013-12-16 21:49:36下载
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