《PostgreSQL9.4.4中文手册》是在《PostgreSQL9.3.1中文手册》 1 的基础上翻译而成,山东瀚高的韩悦悦和另一名同事完成了绝大部分的翻译工作。详细请参考PostgreSQL9.4中文手册的翻译 2 。 如果发现中文手册中的问题请向Github源码仓库 3 或PostgreSQL中文手册翻译小组QQ群(309292849)反馈,也可直接向Github源码仓库提交PR。(The "PostgreSQL9.4.4 Chinese handbook" was translated on the basis of "PostgreSQL9.3.1 Chinese handbook" 1, and Han Yueyue and other colleagues in Shandong completed most of the translation work. For details, please refer to the translation of PostgreSQL9.4 Chinese manual 2. If you find problems in the Chinese manual, please return to Github source warehouse 3 or PostgreSQL Chinese manual translation group QQ group (309292849), or you can submit PR directly to the Github source repository.)