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于 2010-08-29 发布 文件大小:7KB
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说明:  We are researching robot localization techniques which fuse dead reckoning measurements with range measurements from stationary radio beacons in the robot s environment. This site provides Matlab code for three algorithms explored thus far -- an Extended Kalman Filter, a Particle Filter, and a Sliding Batch method -- as well as .mat files containing data collected from a robot driving and receiving range measurements over different paths. Two such data sets are provided.



0 个回复

  • emdyl
    EMD分解的matlab代码,克服了传统筛选停止准则中的分母为零的问题(Empirical Mode Decomposition based on matlab)
    2012-04-07 19:46:27下载
  • mrac_trial_13
    model reference adaptive controller
    2011-11-22 14:05:09下载
  • hist
    对一个一定范围内的数据进行分析,并画出直方图,程序很简单,书写不太规范,敬请谅解.(Painting histogram)
    2013-04-30 10:16:33下载
  • Leslie人口预测模型
    能够利用该Leslie模型的matlab程序预测人口数量及结构(Able to take advantage of the Leslie model of matlab to predict population quantity and structure)
    2017-10-13 17:16:29下载
  • imageprocessing2
    1.灰度变换:选择一幅对比度不足的图像,对该图像进行灰度变换,增强对比度,显示增强前、后的图像以及它们的灰度直方图。 2.直方图均衡:选择一幅灰度直方图不均匀的图像,对该图像进行直方图均衡处理,显示处理前、后的图像以及它们的灰度直方图。 3.选择一幅边缘较模糊的图像,利用高通滤波器(选择或自己设计)对该图像进行边缘增强,观察增强的效果。 4.选择一幅图像,叠加零均值高斯噪声,分别利用低通滤波器、维纳滤波器和中值滤波器对该有噪图像进行滤波,显示滤波后的图 像,比较各滤波器的滤波效果。 5.选择一幅图像,叠加椒盐噪声,分别利用低通滤波器、中值滤波器对该有噪图像进行滤波,显示滤波后的图像,比较各滤波器的 滤波效果。 (err)
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  • CSM_E
    电磁场经典算法模拟电荷法CSM求解步骤详解(Electromagnetic charge simulation method CSM classical algorithm for solving steps explain)
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  • 潮流计算序1
    说明:  潮流计算是电力学名词,指在给定电力系统网络拓扑、元件参数和发电、负荷参量条件下,计算有功功率、无功功率及电压在电力网中的分布。潮流计算是根据给定的电网结构、参数和发电机、负荷等元件的运行条件,确定电力系统各部分稳态运行状态参数的计算。通常给定的运行条件有系统中各电源和负荷点的功率、枢纽点电压、平衡点的电压和相位角。待求的运行状态参量包括电网各母线节点的电压幅值和相角,以及各支路的功率分布、网络的功率损耗等。(Power flow calculation is a term of power science. It refers to the calculation of the distribution of active power, reactive power and voltage in power network under given network topology, component parameters and generation and load parameters. Power flow calculation is based on the given grid structure, parameters and operation conditions of generator, load and other components to determine the steady-state operation parameters of each part of the power system. Usually, the given operating conditions include the power of each power source and load point, junction voltage, balance point voltage and phase angle. The parameters to be determined include the voltage amplitude and phase angle of each bus node, the power distribution of each branch and the power loss of the network.)
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    implement the Power Al- gorithm for the computation of themaximumeigenvalue of Aj . Write a function Power_Algorithm which takes as input A q (the initial approximation of the eigenvector) and scale (it was given as  in the lectures).
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