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  利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,DSmT证据推理的组合公式计算函数,相参脉冲串复调制信号。( Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Combination formula DSmT evidence reasoning calculation function, Complex modulation coherent pulse train signal.)



0 个回复

  • tutorial
    PSCAD tutorial,PSCAD入门实例,含多个基础模型DEMO,对于初学者掌握PSCAD的建模非常有用!强烈推荐,网上找不到这么齐全的。(PSCAD tutorial, PSCAD entry instance, the base model with multiple DEMO, very useful for beginners to master PSCAD modeling! Strongly recommended, not online so complete.)
    2013-11-24 22:38:56下载
  • code_duan
    实现差分编码和数字分相码的波形以及功率谱密度的仿真,取样点数默认为2^14。(achieve Differential encoding and digital Phase code and the waveform of the power spectral density of simulation, The default sampling points for 14 ^ 2.)
    2007-05-27 10:28:15下载
  • injector_example
    三角电流脉冲信号注入装置。改变电感大小调整注入电流幅值。适用于电力系统仿真分析。(Triangular current pulse injection device)
    2016-01-14 14:19:09下载
  • analysisofdata
    用于数据分析(回归分析)的matlab源代码(赋使用说明)(Used for data analysis (regression analysis) of matlab source code (enabling the use of instructions))
    2009-09-22 23:15:42下载
  • Matlab2
    :Matlab遗传算法(GA)优4~-r-具箱是基于基本操作及终止条件、二进制和十进制相互转换等操作的综合 函数库。其实现步骤包括:通过输入及输出函数求出遗传算法主函数、初始种群的生成函数,采用选择、交叉、变异 操作求得基本遗传操作函数。以函数仿真为例,对该函数优化和GA改进,只需改写函数m文件形式即可。(: Matlab genetic algorithm (GA) U 4 ~-r-a box is based on the basic operation and termination conditions, binary and decimal conversion operation, such as a comprehensive function library. The realization of these steps include: input and output functions through the genetic algorithm to derive the main function, initial population generation function, the use of selection, crossover, mutation operation to achieve the basic function of genetic manipulation. Simulation in order to function as an example, the GA function optimization and improvement, just rewritten m the form of a document can function.)
    2007-09-07 20:04:29下载
  • simpson
    自适应simpson法求函数的定积分,包括naadapt函数和simpson函数(failed to translate)
    2009-11-17 13:14:34下载
  • mfcc2sdc
    一个统计语言识别系统一般采用移自动语言识别三角洲系数(议会)功能。学童牙科保健服务堆叠比例系数的几帧三角洲的版本。 南区区议会及其应用的详细描述可在西医坎贝尔先生,J.P.坎贝尔,D.A.雷诺,大肠杆菌歌手,年息托雷斯- Carrasquillo,扬声器和语言识别,计算机语音和语言,第20卷,问题2-3,奥德赛2004支持向量机:演讲者与语言识别工作坊 -奥德赛- 04,四月至2006年7月,页210-229。 此代码是一个快速实现移三角洲系数(在MATLAB)。( A statistical language recognition system generally uses shifted delta coefficient (SDC) feature for automatic language recognition. SDCs are stacked version of delta cofficient over several frames. The detail descriptions of SDC and its applications are available in W.M. Campbell, J.P. Campbell, D.A. Reynolds, E. Singer, P.A. Torres-Carrasquillo, Support vector machines for speaker and language recognition, Computer Speech & Language, Volume 20, Issues 2-3, Odyssey 2004: The speaker and Language Recognition Workshop- Odyssey-04, April-July 2006, Pages 210-229. This code is a fast implementation (in MATLAB) of Shifted Delta Coefficient.)
    2011-05-23 10:59:39下载
  • getstart
    2010-11-22 20:59:56下载
  • getPicturePoints
    获取图像上的曲线数据,读入一幅图片并选取所需的数据点加以保存处理。用法:使用鼠标左键取点,右键结束取点并保存数据(Get the curve on the image data, read and select a picture to save the data points needed to deal with. Usage: Use the left mouse button to take point, right end of the access point and save the data)
    2011-04-21 13:50:23下载
  • kalman
    本文介绍kalman滤波的基本原理及发展现状,主要从模型的建立和非线性模型的线性化两方面进行介绍(In this paper, the basic principle of kalman filter and the development present situation, mainly from the establishment of model and the linearization of the nonlinear model is presented in two aspects)
    2013-03-12 18:59:23下载
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