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于 2016-03-14 发布 文件大小:209KB
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  修改风云娱乐MTV程序xp V2.0而来,修正了后台不能显示下一页的错误!修改注册必须选头像才能注册,修正了注册登录后,不显示头相图片的错误,改进了播放器不能播放的错误,并且取消了必须注册会员才能观看的限制 管理员:小艺 密码:admin(To amend the situation entertainment MTV program XP v2.0 and, amendments to the background can not display the next page error! Modification registration must be chosen avatar to register, corrected for the register and login, do not show head picture errors, improved the player cannot play the error, and the abolition of the restrictions must be registered members can watch the Admin: little art Password: admin)







0 个回复

  • virtualpiano
    simple virtual piano keyboard
    2011-11-08 17:14:23下载
  • PlayerVideo
    应用Vc中的Active movie控件制作简单的播放器,能够控制播放.可以播放Avi格式的视频,以及大部分的音频文件(Application of Vc in the Active movie control to create a simple player that can control the playback, adjust the volume, can play Avi video format, and most of the audio file)
    2011-06-27 07:51:52下载
  • ffmpeg
    ffmpeg类库及说明文档,适合多媒体开发去学习(ffmpeg libraries and documentation )
    2012-03-14 15:28:37下载
  • Audioandvideo
    (visualc++音频视频处理技术及工程实践)书中的光盘内容((Visualc++ audio and video processing technology and engineering practice) the contents of the book' s CD-ROM)
    2021-01-05 23:18:54下载
  • NFmeasure
    频谱仪的相位噪声测量方法,使用频谱仪大致测出频率源的输出信号相位噪声(Spectrum analyzer phase noise measurement methods, the use of broad spectrum analyzer to measure the frequency of the source of the output signal phase noise)
    2009-06-30 14:40:36下载
  • Music
    一款完全免费的音乐播放软件,高精度音质,完美还原听觉。Window Media Player在制作WMA文件时默认启用了"数字版权保护"机制,而要支持这种文件,必须得到微软的官方支持,考虑到手续比较麻烦所以目前还未实现对它的支持。所以在制作WMA文件的时候请尽量不要使用数字版权保护。(My Music)
    2013-08-13 21:47:35下载
  • cfg_general_8202R_D_64
    cfg video rec and mp4 3gp file play
    2013-03-27 21:15:26下载
  • guliverkli2-code-114
    mpc,播放器源代码,vs2008,vs2005编译通过(mpc,player source code,vs2008,vs2005,run ok)
    2016-05-11 13:48:18下载
  • Local-Players-ActionScript-3.0
    典型应用系统-本地音乐播放器。系统选自清华大学出版社2009年出版的“原创经典,程序员典藏”系列图书中的综合案例(Typical applications- local music player. System is selected from the Tsinghua University Press in 2009 published " original classic, programmers Collection" series of books in the integrated case)
    2013-09-20 18:20:34下载
  • VGAPlayer
    本播放器用于播放.vga格式的课件(大量西北工业大学的课件都是这种格式) 为了更好的使用本播放器,请注意以下几点: 1)视频文件(*.asf)必须和课件文件(*.vga)在同一个目 录下 2)同一节课具有相同的名字,例如01.asf对应01.vga, 反之亦然。 3)如有任何意见或建议请发邮件至dgx_lsyd3@163.com 或加QQ:259177377 (The player used to play. Vga courseware format (a large number of Northwestern Polytechnical University courseware is in this format) In order to better use of the player, please note the following: 1) the video file (*. asf) must be and courseware documents (*. vga) in the same directory 2) the same class with the same name, for example, 01.asf corresponding 01.vga, and vice versa. 3) If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail dgx_lsyd3@163.com or QQ: 259177377)
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