最小均方濾波器是一類可通過最小化誤差訊號之均方值而修正濾波器係數,以類比所需理想濾波器的自適應濾波器,其中作為修正依據的誤差訊號為理想參考訊號與實際輸出訊號之差。該種濾波器所用之最小均方法只以當前之訊號誤差值為準進行修正,是一種隨機梯度下降法。最小均方法係由斯坦福大學的Bernard Widrow教授及他的首位博士班學生Marcian Hoff於1960年提出。最小均方濾波器屬於常見的自適應濾波器種類之一。(The minimum mean square filter is an adaptive filter that can correct the filter coefficients by minimizing the mean square value of the error signal to analogize the desired ideal filter. The error signal used as the correction reference is the ideal reference signal and the actual output. The difference between the signals. The minimum averaging method used in this kind of filter is only corrected based on the current signal error value, which is a stochastic gradient descent method. The minimum mean method was proposed in 1960 by Professor Bernard Widrow of Stanford University and his first PhD student, Marcian Hoff. The least mean square filter is one of the common types of adaptive filters.)