首页 » Delphi » 串口工具源码


于 2018-05-03 发布 文件大小:212KB
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  模拟串口工具 可以自选串口参数 实现数据接收和发送。附带源码。(comtest :can send message and receive message ,with resource)


CommTest.dfm, 6162 , 2017-09-25
CommTest.pas, 11135 , 2017-09-25
Project1.~dpr, 194 , 2017-07-17
Project1.cfg, 446 , 2017-09-25
Project1.dof, 2014 , 2017-09-25
Project1.dpr, 194 , 2017-07-17
Project1.res, 876 , 2017-07-17
串口工具.exe, 490496 , 2017-09-25
CommTest.~ddp, 51 , 2017-07-18
CommTest.~dfm, 6304 , 2017-07-18
CommTest.~pas, 11158 , 2017-07-18
CommTest.dcu, 12408 , 2017-09-25
CommTest.ddp, 51 , 2017-09-25



0 个回复

  • UntPools.pas
    一个Delphi对像池操作类源码,可以池化所有TObject 对像, 同样是对像池,可以只支持模板。(A Delphi operations source, like a pool can be pooled TObject object, is also like a pool, you can only support template.)
    2013-04-09 23:38:52下载
  • networkduqu
    通过对原来Gametest的修改,可以提取抓取的数据包中字段的读取,如Host主机名称,同时通过命令可以读取registered注册表中的网卡地址(Through changes to the original Gametest, packet capture can be extracted in the field of reading, such as Host host name, while the command can be read by the network adapter address registered in the registry)
    2011-12-15 22:47:23下载
  • UTF-8
    UTF-8编码详细功能描述 适合初学者使用(UTF-8 encode)
    2011-05-26 08:56:37下载
  • emfdr_1_0
    Delphi版的邮箱搜索程序源代码,功能如下: 可以在因特网上自动搜索邮箱 支持vbscript和javascript脚本语法 允许微调线路设置 允许代理设置/搜索层数设置/工作线程数设(Delphi version of the mail source code search procedures, functions as follows : on the Internet can automatically search and mail support vbscript script syntax allows javascript fine-tuning lines set up to allow Proxy Settings/Search floors set up/set up a few threads)
    2006-11-18 09:08:36下载
  • pascal_function_of_the_whole_solution
    pascal函数全解,非常详细的讲解了pascal的各个函数功能不错(pascal function of the whole solution, explained in great detail the various functions pascal function well)
    2010-07-27 09:12:45下载
  • delphil-flashform
    1,FlashWindow(Application.Handle, True) 让主程序在任务栏上的图标闪烁 2,FlashWindow(form.Handle, True) 让指定的form状态栏闪烁 3,对于在任务栏上没有图标的form,比如form2可以用下面这个过程模拟一下, procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) override procedure TForm2.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) begin inherited Params.WndParent := 0 //此段代码的意思是使窗口显示在任务栏中 end 此时FlashWindow(form2.Handle, True) 让form2在任务栏上的图标就会闪烁 (delphil flashform)
    2013-10-11 11:11:02下载
  • anjoman
    ba salam in file input and output karbaran
    2012-05-16 01:27:13下载
  • 2
    Delphi实现的屏幕放大镜源码,本例可以将屏幕放大,按比例放大。(Delphi implementation of the screen magnifier source code, this example can enlarge the screen, scale up.)
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  • imgplzh
    图片格式批量转换,Delphi源码版,在BMP和JPG图像格式间转换,支持批量操作(Picture format batch conversion, Delphi source code version to convert BMP and JPG image formats, support for batch operations)
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  • Delphi_441177
    本实例演示如何使用Delphi删除为空的数据库记录,删除时可以选择要删除空记录的字段名,这仅是一个参考例子,更详细情况请下载参阅代码。所附的SQL数据库文件在database文件夹中,请自己附加上。 (This example demonstrates how to use Delphi to delete an empty database records, you can choose to delete the empty field name when deleting records, this is only a reference example, more detailed information, please see the code download. Attached SQL database files in database folder, please add yourself on.)
    2014-06-20 19:40:54下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104552会员总数
  • 3今日下载