大漠偏色计算器 (Delphi源码),用于配合大漠插件,图色使用,方便找图、找色,开源(Desert Bias Calculator (Delphi source code), used to cooperate with the Desert Plug-in, the use of graphics and colors, easy to find pictures, colors, open source)
DMCalculator.identcache, 1292 , 2014-06-12
DMCalculator.res, 64756 , 2014-06-11
DMCalculator_Icon.ico, 63025 , 2013-04-15
DMCalculator_Icon1.ico, 63025 , 2013-04-15
FastMM4.pas, 437626 , 2012-09-03
FastMM4Messages.pas, 7247 , 2011-11-16
FastMM4Options.inc, 20568 , 2013-06-23
frmCatchScreenShow.dfm, 953 , 2013-04-14
frmCatchScreenShow.pas, 5672 , 2014-06-11
frmMain.dfm, 153776 , 2014-06-11
frmMain.pas, 35686 , 2014-06-11
GraphicsConversionsLibrary.pas, 3568 , 2005-10-14
HistogramLibrary.pas, 18786 , 2005-10-14
IEEE754.pas, 5381 , 2005-10-14
ImageProcessingPrimitives.pas, 14521 , 2005-10-14
pasYCbCr.pas, 5158 , 2005-10-14
RealColorLibrary.pas, 14838 , 2005-10-14
StatisticsLibrary.pas, 8440 , 2005-10-14
Graphics32\GR32.dcu, 106016 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32.inc, 1071 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32.pas, 109788 , 2004-07-23
Graphics32\GR32_Blend.dcu, 12156 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_Blend.pas, 38654 , 2004-07-21
Graphics32\GR32_ByteMaps.dcu, 8345 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_ByteMaps.pas, 7807 , 2004-07-13
Graphics32\GR32_DrawingEx.dcu, 1686 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_DrawingEx.pas, 2800 , 2004-07-13
Graphics32\GR32_Filters.dcu, 3544 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_Filters.pas, 4563 , 2004-07-13
Graphics32\GR32_LowLevel.dcu, 2333 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_LowLevel.pas, 7312 , 2004-07-13
Graphics32\GR32_Polygons.dcu, 26597 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_Polygons.pas, 31324 , 2004-07-20
Graphics32\GR32_System.dcu, 8937 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_System.pas, 11350 , 2004-07-13
Graphics32\GR32_Transforms.dcu, 44317 , 2013-04-14
Graphics32\GR32_Transforms.pas, 52285 , 2004-07-21
Graphics32\__history\GR32.inc.~1~, 1357 , 2004-07-16
app.ico, 63025 , 2013-04-15
ColorLibrary.pas, 16473 , 2005-10-14
DMCalculator.dpr, 1279 , 2014-06-11
DMCalculator.dproj, 10556 , 2014-06-11
DMCalculator.dproj.local, 3012 , 2014-06-11
Graphics32\__history, 0 , 2015-01-20
Graphics32, 0 , 2015-01-20