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于 2021-03-17 发布 文件大小:13KB
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  本程序能够准确的计算非线性动力系统的分岔图,相图,波形图,从而可以为工程技术人员和科研人员的理论建模提供数值模拟论证方法。(The program can calculate the exact bifurcation diagram nonlinear dynamical system, phase diagram, waveform, which can provide a method for the numerical simulation of argumentation theoretical modeling engineers and researchers.)





0 个回复

  • soundsignal
    将声音文件在时间轴上分割成几段,分别将段的秩序及某些段内的秩序颠倒,从而实现了对声音文件的加密。首先,先读取一个声音信号,对信号做1024点FFT变换,取完点之后,分成四个向量,四个向量组成一个矩阵,再对每一个向量进行转置,再重新整合,从而就实现了回密的过程。(Sound files on the timeline will be divided into paragraphs, each paragraph of the order and reversed the order of some paragraphs to realize the encryption of sound files. First, the first reading of a voice signal, the signal was 1024 points FFT transform, check after the completion point, divided into four vectors, the four vectors form a matrix, then for each vector transpose, re-integration, which will achieve a return to close the process.)
    2010-05-22 11:45:10下载
  • nonmaxsuppts
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    高数书上的数学实验,要求使用mathmatic做的(High number of books on mathematics test, do require the use of mathmatic)
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