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  四旋翼无人机MATLAB的simulink仿真程序(Four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle MATLAB simulation program)


飞机姿态控制系统设计, 0 , 2014-04-05
飞机姿态控制系统设计\Theta.fig, 18492 , 2013-03-27
飞机姿态控制系统设计\cehua.mdl, 25673 , 2013-04-11
飞机姿态控制系统设计\feiji.err, 18868 , 2013-03-26
飞机姿态控制系统设计\fuyangkaihuan.m, 197 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\fuyangrlocus.asv, 1109 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\fuyangrlocus.m, 492 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\gaodu.mdl, 34769 , 2013-04-13
飞机姿态控制系统设计\gaodub.mdl, 37049 , 2013-04-20
飞机姿态控制系统设计\gaodub1.mdl, 35153 , 2013-06-19
飞机姿态控制系统设计\gaodubuchang.mdl, 46223 , 2013-04-13
飞机姿态控制系统设计\guandao.mdl, 23972 , 2012-11-06
飞机姿态控制系统设计\gunzhuanrlocus.m, 220 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\horizontal.asv, 545 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\horizontal.m, 546 , 2013-06-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\matlab_GUI.fig, 1194 , 2014-03-18
飞机姿态控制系统设计\matlab_GUI.m, 3205 , 2014-03-18
飞机姿态控制系统设计\pianhang.mdl, 33035 , 2013-06-17
飞机姿态控制系统设计\q.mdl, 18940 , 2013-04-07
飞机姿态控制系统设计\qingxie.mdl, 26125 , 2013-04-03
飞机姿态控制系统设计\qingxieceyi.mdl, 42693 , 2013-06-04
飞机姿态控制系统设计\qingxiegunzhuan.mdl, 29085 , 2013-06-14
飞机姿态控制系统设计\qingxiegunzhuan1.mdl, 33459 , 2013-05-29
飞机姿态控制系统设计\qingxiehangxiang.mdl, 34435 , 2013-05-29
飞机姿态控制系统设计\rlocus(q).fig, 31265 , 2013-03-29
飞机姿态控制系统设计\rlocus1.fig, 41962 , 2013-04-04
飞机姿态控制系统设计\shortperiod.m, 612 , 2013-06-24
飞机姿态控制系统设计\untitled.mdl, 24447 , 2013-04-11
飞机姿态控制系统设计\whole.mdl, 51042 , 2013-04-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\whole1.mdl, 50988 , 2013-04-21
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zhuanwan.mdl, 43051 , 2013-04-12
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zhuanwan1.mdl, 36737 , 2013-04-25
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zongxiang.fig, 28459 , 2013-03-26
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zongxiang.mdl, 26140 , 2013-04-07
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zongxiangfuyang.mdl, 27004 , 2013-06-18
飞机姿态控制系统设计\zongxianggaodu.mdl, 32351 , 2013-04-03



0 个回复

  • GetSRTMD
    The function interpolates between SRTM data points
    2011-01-21 09:37:50下载
    matlab模拟的滤波器 高通 低通 带通 带限 各种滤波器应有尽有 非常齐全 物超所值(Matlab simulation filter high-pass low-pass band-pass band-limited Various filters on everything)
    2012-04-11 10:01:18下载
  • ApplicationofFCMAC
    The cable compensation system is an experiment system that performs simulations of partial or microgravity environments on earth. It is a highly nonlinear and complex system.In this paper, a network based on the theory of the Fuzzy Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller(FCMAC) is proposed to control this cable compensation system. In FCMAC ,without appropriate learning rate, the control system based on FCMAC will become unstable or its convergence speed will become slow.In order to guarantee the convergence of tracking error, we present a new kind of optimization based on adaptive GA for selecting learning rate.Furthermore, this approach is evaluated and its performance is discussed.The simulation results shows that performance of the FCMAC based the proposed method is stable and more effective. (The cable compensation system is an experiment system that performs simulations of partial or microgravity environments on earth. It is a highly nonlinear and complex system.In this paper, a network based on the theory of the Fuzzy Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller (FCMAC) is proposed to control this cable compensation system. In FCMAC, without appropriate learning rate, the control system based on FCMAC will become unstable or its convergence speed will become slow.In order to guarantee the convergence of tracking error, we present a new kind of optimization based on adaptive GA for selecting learning rate.Furthermore, this approach is evaluated and its performance is discussed.The simulation results shows that performance of the FCMAC based the proposed method is stable and more effective.)
    2007-01-24 21:55:22下载
  • recotoolbox
    this file contains the description of the filloowwe
    2013-02-01 12:53:32下载
  • MonteCarlo
    是用于解决剔除样本异常值的蒙特卡洛mtlab代码,可以进行参考(Monte Carlo matlab code)
    2021-03-31 20:39:09下载
  • 233555
    基于MATLAB与DSP的FIR数字滤波器的设计基于MATLAB与DSP的FIR数字滤波器的设计(MATLAB and DSP-based FIR digital filter design is based on MATLAB and DSP' s FIR digital filter design)
    2010-06-06 00:36:36下载
  • caiyang
    利用采样得到的多组数据,绘制出采样点的三维立体图形。(The use of multiple sets of sampled data, draw samples of the three-dimensional graphics.)
    2011-09-10 23:34:24下载
  • test_Block_1
    Simulink the use of the block to refine the model
    2011-02-10 22:06:54下载
  • 1
    说明:  交叉口matlab实现,本程序可以较好的实现交叉口的模拟,请放心使用(Intersection matlab implementation, the program can achieve a better simulation of the intersection, please be assured use)
    2011-04-07 21:17:18下载
  • jammy5
    现上传电子工业出版社出版的国外电子与通信教材系列一书:现代通信系统(MATLAB版)(第二版)中的脚本文件与M文件(upload electronic industry are published in foreign electronic communications and a series of teaching books : Modern communication system (MATLAB) (2nd edition), the script file documents with M)
    2007-05-16 12:11:58下载
  • 696518资源总数
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