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于 2016-02-29 发布 文件大小:9296KB
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  基于动态规划的检测前跟踪论文十余篇,对于雷达数据处理与目标跟踪方面工作者有较大帮助。(The 11 papers are all about DP-TBD, it is very useful in track before detected. )


......\A Novel Dynamic Programming Algorithm for.pdf,2394446,2015-08-26
......\Discrimination Method to Track Before Detect.pdf,125377,2015-08-21
......\DP-TBD-to M-target.pdf,416261,2015-08-21
......\Multi-target Tracking via Dynamic-Programming.pdf,563769,2015-08-21
......\Radar Track-Before-Detect Algorithm of.pdf,3328062,2015-08-21
......\TBD in Multi-target.pdf,3315065,2015-08-27
......\Threshold determination for dynamic programming based track-before-detect in passive bistatic radar.pdf,900512,2015-08-21
......\Track-Before-Detect Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming for.pdf,210644,2015-08-21
......\Track-before-detect procedures for low pulse.pdf,610108,2015-08-21
......\Tracking Accuracy Analysis of Dynamic Programming.pdf,619714,2015-08-21
......\Tracking Targets in G0 Clutter via Dynamic.pdf,162987,2015-08-27



0 个回复

  • 目标检测定位算法源码
    说明:  这个一个在目标检测中起定位作用的神经网络代码,不过这次我没有写使用教程,东西应该不难。(This is a neural network code that plays a role in target detection, but this time I did not write a tutorial, things should not be difficult.)
    2020-10-08 14:48:59下载
  • computer_vision-master
    说明:  图像特征提取,有SIFT、BOW、VLAD、LBP、HOG、FishVector、gist、Metric、colorhist。(Image feature extraction, including SIFT, BOW, VLAD, LBP, HOG, FishVector, gist, Metric, colorhist.)
    2019-07-20 20:53:34下载
  • map
    MAP超分辨率重建算法,实现图像的超分辨率重建。(the MAP code for super-resolution)
    2011-01-06 12:30:42下载
  • feijiejeijiance
    肺结节检测 ,包括肺部粗提取,肺结节提取,特征提取,与特征分析,以及最后的分类!( U80BA u7D3 u53D0 u53D0 u53D0 u53D0 u53D6 uvd0 U4E0E u7279 u5F1 u5206 u6790 uFF0C u4EE5 u53CA u6700 u540E u7684 u5206 u7C7B uFF01)
    2021-05-13 03:30:03下载
  • Draw-a-rectangle-matlab
    本程序在图像上指定位置话红色的矩形框作为标记,用在目标跟踪上很有用。(This procedure is specified, then the position of the red rectangle on an image as a mark for use in target tracking useful.)
    2014-08-05 20:59:24下载
  • watermark
    基于DCT域音频水印完整源代码,包括水印图像的预处理(二维二值图像Arnold变换、混沌加密、降维),水印的嵌入提取以及检测,信噪比和相似性系数。(Based on the the DCT domain audio watermarking complete source code, including the watermark image preprocessing (two-dimensional binary images Arnold transform chaotic encryption, dimensionality reduction), the embedded watermark extraction and detection, signal-to-noise ratio and similarity coefficient.)
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  • kuanEnhance
    结合SAR图像降斑以及频域增强的SAR图像增强技术(a SAR image enhancement method combined with despeckling and enhancement in the frequency domain)
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  • DSP-digital-Recognition
    天津工业大学课程设计,内容包含vs2010对图像的灰度化,二值化,边缘检测。包含单纯c语言编写的对图像的灰度化,二值化,边缘检测的一个.C文件,可以直接用vc6.0运行,也可以直接在DSP上运行,还包含一份详细的设计报告。(Tianjin Polytechnic University curriculum design, content includes vs2010 grayscale image binarization, edge detection. Contains pure c language for image graying, binarization, edge detection is one. C file that can be run with vc6.0 can also be run directly on a DSP, also contains a detailed design report.)
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  • Real-Time-Image-and-Video-Processing
    一本讲述计算机图像和视频实时处理的好书。包括基本概念,硬件,软件,和算法。 (A book about real-time image and video processing, including basic concepts, hardware, software, and algorithms.)
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  • 696518资源总数
  • 104582会员总数
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