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于 2020-12-18 发布 文件大小:40KB
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  simulink建立的混联式HEV整车模型(Hybrid HEV Full Vehicle Model Established by Simlink)



0 个回复

  • HuMoment
    Hu矩的计算,通过Hu矩计算可以实现图像的旋转、平移的不变特性(Hu Moment, can be achieved by Hu Moment of image rotation, translation invariant features)
    2010-07-02 09:36:45下载
  • RSF_v0
    This code demomstrates an improved algorithm based on the local binary fitting (LBF) model in Chunming Li et al s paper: "Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17 (10), pp.1940-1949, 2008. Usage: These codes can be used for Matlab 7.0.4 or higher versions in Windows. Run the Demos in the M-files for several test images. Once an image comes out, click the mouse to generate a polygon as the initial contour: left click to get a number of points, then right click to get the end point. The number of iterations may need to be increased if the initial contour is too far away from the desired object boundary.
    2011-05-05 01:54:08下载
  • wurane2e
    指出了城市的主要污染物长期以来对城市居民造成了直接的危害,为更好地反映其污染变化趋势、加强污染防治工作和预防严重污染事件的发生,研究了污染预测方法,开展了污染预报工作。借助于MATLAB极强的非线性处理能力,来解决大气环境主要污染物自身复杂多变的问题,探讨了将MATLAB技术应用到空气污染的主份因子分析及预测领域中。(Pointed out that the city has long been the main pollutants of urban residents a direct harm, to better reflect its pollution trends, strengthen the prevention and control of pollution and prevention of serious pollution incidents, to study the pollution prediction method, carried out pollution forecast work. MATLAB help of strong nonlinear processing capabilities to solve complex atmospheric environment of major pollutants own issues discussed will be applied to the master copies of MATLAB technical factor analysis and forecasting in the field of air pollution.)
    2014-01-19 16:43:06下载
  • delay
    2D周期性圆柱组成的,lens的几何设计和delay的计算,使用各项同性圆柱(2D periodic cylinder’s delay)
    2012-06-19 21:51:39下载
  • NumericODEsolve
    program for solving a set of differential equations numerically
    2011-08-31 08:48:39下载
  • blasius
    Blasius Equation for Boundary layer theory problems. For calculating the boundary layer thickness and the velocity profile in a free stream in a pipe.
    2013-11-17 05:15:29下载
  • gauss-jordan-MPI
    gauss jordan multiplication with MPI
    2015-03-06 17:06:48下载
  • hw6_solution
    使用matlab来比较4种不同的编码的性能。环境是BEC(删除信道)。 信号串的长度为2000(Use matlab to compare the performance of four different codes. Environment is the BEC (binary erasure channel). Length of the signal sequence is 2000)
    2020-06-28 18:40:02下载
  • spinal-cord-extraction--
    这是一个基于MATLAB用于脊髓自动提取算法的程序代码(This is a MATLAB-based algorithm for automatic extraction of spinal code)
    2015-03-03 17:04:51下载
  • xin
    1.用matlab实现心形图的绘制,用极坐标的形式或用隐函数的形式实现, 2.玫瑰形的matlab实现(1. Using matlab mapping to achieve heart-shaped, with polar coordinates in the form or the form of implicit function implementation, 2. Rose-shaped matlab implementation)
    2010-11-28 13:22:36下载
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