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PPTP Dialler simple

于 2017-07-24 发布 文件大小:488KB
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  Source code delphi 7 Dialler PPTP connection



0 个回复

  • Delphi_485678
    Delphi:Delphi修改INI文件的内容,Delphi源码下载,通过一个窗体表单程序,对MyInfo.INI文件的各个节点值进行修改,INI文件在软件开发中常用作配置文件或数据存储文件,学会在Delphi中操作INI文件,是非常有必要的一个技巧。本示例程序用到了Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs,INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan (Delphi: Delphi modify the contents of the INI file, Delphi source code download, through a form spreadsheet program, for each node value MyInfo.INI modify files, INI files in software development is often used as a configuration file or data storage files, learn Delphi INI file in the operation, it is very necessary for a skill. This sample program uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan )
    2014-07-01 01:04:58下载
  • pngimage
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    2020-10-05 13:17:41下载
  • fastreport4932d7
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  • pascal_function_of_the_whole_solution
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    2010-07-27 09:12:45下载
  • delphi2
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  • The-course-of-Delphi.7use
    全书共14章,全面讲解了Delphi程序设计语言的各个部分,特别加强了对数组、过 程与函数、界面设计、文件、多媒体、数据库等程序设计的重点、难点和具有较高实用价值 的内容的引导和剖析。(The book is 14 chapters, a comprehensive account of the various Delphi programming language, in particular in strengthening the array, processes and functions, interface design, documents, multimedia, database and other procedures designed to focus, difficulty and has high practical value content guidance and analysis.)
    2013-07-21 23:56:21下载
  • Therm
    new feature fo open gl programmer the last ever
    2017-11-14 00:39:13下载
  • client
    Delphi:Delphi浏览/查看大图片的程序源码例子,很多初学Delphi的朋友搞不清楚如何去查看一张大图片,这个例子就比较好,让你彻底学会方法。 (Delphi: Delphi browse/view the big picture of program source code examples, many Delphi beginner friends do not know how to see a big picture, this example is better, so that you thoroughly learn the method.)
    2014-07-23 09:39:39下载
  • Delphi-MD5
    Delphi MD5,含pas文件,如:加密字符串aaa MD5String( aaa ) (MD5 for Delphi, contains the pas files)
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